GDKPs banned in SoD. Let's see how it plays out and if good, do the same for Cata. Or personal loot

PS. psssst, don’t forget to perma ban all gold buyers and GKDP leads why you at it.


Man they dont care about minimal stuff such as bugs or feedback you want them to actually monitor and ban gdkps…


Can’t wait for the amount of bots running around to be completely unaffected by this change.

This just hurts people’s freedom to play how they want, and it’s not going to solve or help any issues related to bots or gold farming.

Blizzard knows this, hence why they claim the ban is to encourage people to raid as a guild instead.


GDKPs literally ruined the game.

The ability to bid on items is responsible for 95% of gold buying if not 99%.
There is literally no other reason to RMT gold in the game. Loot is the only thing you need gold for in such quantities.

Sure, GDKP has it’s perks. No one is denying that. And if it wasn’t abused by swipers, it would have been fine. But RMTers, cheters and hackers are the reason we can’t have nice things.

Want to blame someone for banning GDKPs? Blame the players that turned into a swipe competition. If there was no demand to buy gold, there’d be almost no bots. The only reason bots exist is to provide the service, evidently, a lot of players desire.


Flying. Consumables. People will take an easy way out if they can. Even if it’s already pretty easy.

By the way, you suggested Personal Loot. Ignoring the fact that people hate Personal Loot, even in Retail, which used Personal Loot primarily from like, MoP to Shadowlands, there were no GDKPs, and bots and gold buyers never stopped.

We already have the proof that this won’t work. But people insist on blaming GDKP because they have nothing better to pin their problems on.


Bruh. Now you just making up stuff.

Going from 70-80 with questing yield about 12k gold. It’s more than enough to get your flying.

Everything else can be purchased with 1 day worth of dailies.


In what universe?

And yeah, ignore everything else I said I guess.


People don’t hate personal loot.
Yes, there were bots. Not nearly as many. RMT still exists on Retail and you’re acting if people deny that. They are not. We all know it.

But the pug scene on retail is MUCH MUCH HEALTHIER. You can actually find pug runs

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This is because there’s no penalty for joining random pugs. You can still join another raid later, you just won’t get loot again from bosses.

Pugging is healthier when you aren’t punished for joining and being stuck with a bad group.


That and you don’t need to have millions of gold to bid on items.


Yeah surely EVERYONE quests from 70-80 and not just sit and queue for dungeons or pay others for boosts :roll_eyes:

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the suckers cannot stop us

No chat rule. Just micraphone

No trade gold. All AH cut. Even bootybay AH. If u sell in Bootybay, buy in Gadgetzan, admin cant track that

Admins is the unmoneyed interlopers. GDKP is the tom cruises. Raid boss is the bank teller


Those who swipe prob do. Or those that already have enough gold.
But new players certainly don’t.

New players (not necessarily new to the game as a whole), they level. Do quests. And when they try to pug, all they see is GDKPs. They also see that no one is getting banned and all streamers tell people to freely buy gold as nothing ever happens to them.

So they do. They swipe for 50k or whatever. or 200k. Get a few pieces. Realize they need more. They swipe more.

Anyone who defends this is actually a clown and likely benefits from it one way or another.


You don’t need that on Classic either. Just don’t go to a GDKP run.

Banning GDKPs won’t make pugging better, because the fact is, these GDKP players will just continue running with their regular organized group (regardless of loot system). There’s not any incentivize for them to drop it for random pugs that likely can’t clear the content and will just burn their lockout.

This is also the actual reason people want GDKP banned. It’s not about RMT or bots, it’s just because people believe that if it’s banned, the good players will come raid with them instead. I don’t know why people think like that, because that’s not how that’s going to go down, but ok.

Want healthier pugs? Add personal lockouts for raids like Retail. Then people will pug all they want, because there’s no penalty for doing so.


You’re welcome.

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Can’t wait for my guilds officers/loot council to favour all there friends.
distribute bis items to the wrong classes.
listen all my fellow raiders complain about not getting loot then my guild disbanding rejoining a new guild to do the cycle all over again.

Oh also blizzard can you please implement wow tokens on sod.

Yours truely
Gdkp enjoyer


Sure, but those are pretty small expenses compared to gdkps.

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Banning gdkps is insane. It’s the way I made ALL of my gold by hosting them on multiple chars , made hundreds of gold. Bought gear with the gold I made from hosting. The economy is messed up and you can’t make gold that way because the bots. This won’t help with bots. Now I have to go back to puggin raids , losing DPS gear to tanks that say ms/os yet take DPS gear with their master looter. Or I can roll and lose every single roll. Losing roll after roll , wasting my time in raids not getting anything is not fun at All. Let us play how we want. Ban the gold buyers , lots of us made hundreds of gold legit thru gdkp. Most pots net about 20-30g every 3 days. Some much higher, a regular raid is inferior I can’t make 20 gold in a raid any other way.


This will only run GDKP underground.

No way you can enforce such a thing without in-game snitches.


As if Blizzard is going to actively monitor all the GDKPs that have “disappeared.”

“bUt bRO! iT’s eAsY jUsT tRaCK tHE gOLd!”

Certainly, that easy solution put a dead stop to botters/gold sellers and buyers.