GDKPs banned in SoD. Let's see how it plays out and if good, do the same for Cata. Or personal loot


Maybe if one CTA weekend leveled the 70 to 80. I did that once or twice.

CTA BG level to 80, steamroll the 70 to 79 quests (80 can be some work gear depending, starts off slower till you are at least current pvp gear baseline)…xp no longer needed turned to gold. Items no longer needed vendor sold.

75 to 80 pays pretty good that way.

this doesnt hurt just gold buyers, i dont buy gold at all and this severely effects me.

I am someone who likes to play all the characters and somewhat of a busy life due to work obligations. Trying to get into guilds they only want mains and usually only get 2 maybe 3 runs a week. Or there is ms>os and SRx2, but you are constantly being gate-keeped. either cause you have no logs on this char or they feel your GS is too low.

But i usually have 120-200g floating on 8 characters to get into gdkp’s, I did this by farming eggs knowing xmas was soon and put in work. I do not buy or will never buy gold.

To me this system is best for people like me. Just saying i got 70g bag gets me in no matter my logs/gs. not always will my items drop so i can either be -45g to +23g depending on items that drop.

Now sure you can say get rekt buyers, but buyers are buying boosts first… why is boosting not banned also?

Not to mention people that buy gold just put the money into others who ran with them. This goes to people who will buy consumes or items for alts to level. That in iteself is healthy.

To punish someone like me because you are just bad at your job to fix botting and RMT is absurd. maybe let community members be mods, like they do for twitch? IDK i dont have the answers and neither do you sway.

But this move hurts someone like me who cant commit to certain times.


You’re an actual cretin. Buying ITEMS for gold is not allowed. Buying CLEARS for gold is perfectly fine. Clears, loot funnels, doesn’t matter. People pay for their spot in advance and that’s the only transaction that happens. Their rules do NOT apply to these transactions as selling RUNS is nowhere to be seen there.

If you join a raid group, an item drops and you receive it in exchange for gold - that’s not allowed and you will be punished.
If you pay to join a raid group and get all leather items funneled to you - that’s perfectly fine under these rules.

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I don’t care what you think.
If you think that’s fine you run it and whine about it after you get ban.

  • We’re defining GDKP as any raid or dungeon run where items are awarded in exchange for gold. Please note that we have multiple detection methods for GDKP that are effective both inside and outside of dungeon or raid instances.

What do these words mean in your opinion? Is buying a clear fine or not? Is paying extra to reserve loot in advance fine or not?
Mind you that nobody receives any items in exchange for gold. They receive a raid spot and the right to reserve loot.

The exchange for gold happening before or after in a different format is still an exchange of gold. You think they would leave the door open to GDKPs trading gold before or after the raid?

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But no items are awarded in exchange for gold. Only a raid spot and the right to reserve items.
Nowhere in the rules either of those is mentioned and the wording seems to explicitly tiptoe around that because those runs are perfectly legal on retail.
There is no bidding, no trading gold for the item. You pay in advance to get your raid spot, maybe pay extra to reserve the items. That’s it.


they cant do it for RMT so how do you think they will know this?

They can do it for RMT, but RMT can be often more obvious. If the punishment is banning a whole raid I don’t think a lot will be willing and at the end that’s fine.

Which is explicitly NOT “items awarded in exchange for gold” you actual illiterate cretin.
They are not awarded in exchange for gold. You buy a hr, a hard reserve on items. Whether you do it by slipping a $5 to your irl friend who’s the raid leader or by paying 20k gold to the raid leader advertising the run doesn’t matter.

Never explicitly says that it has to happen in the raid or at a certain time in the raid.

Moreover when they explicitly say that they have the tech to detect trades outside of raids.

but RMT is a plague they say… so either they catch is and its not a problem or they dont and it makes people believe gdkp’s are an issue… most people who think its an issue are people who dont join them or somehow cant get into ms>os / SR / or a guild spot (this is probably the highest percentage imo)
why am i punished? id put a bet that boosters buy more gold than gdkp runners

It’s not because people break the law that the law doesn’t work and has no reason to exist.

you missed the point as it was a different view of what you were stating. maybe you are going from the hips on reading anything without its context and replying , idk but that last few replies would make me assume so.

but either way i made my statement and blizz wont make a change, they dont honestly care about RMT. they just want to make you a level 70 happy about sod. nobody cares about boosting, you just call this a w even though in no way a gdkp effected you

The point was mostly that they think this will have effect on the community and has been something that the community has wanted.

Like botting and boosting, no I don’t think they have no effect on how people play the game if anything that’s exactly what people dislike.

I do them from time to time and I think they are a huge problem for the economy. At the same time i see the pros of GdKPs.

Okay since you’re apparently too dense let’s analyse the paragraph together.

We’re defining GDKP as any raid or dungeon run where items are awarded in exchange for gold.

Blizzard Entertainment SoD devs define “GDKP” as any raid or dungeon where items are given to a player in a transaction which involves trading an item for an unstanted (presumably any) amount of gold.
This means that for a raid or dungeon run to be considered “GDKP” there has to be a transaction in which one side offers an item and the other offers gold and they agree to a trade.

Please note that we have multiple detection methods for GDKP that are effective both inside and outside of dungeon or raid instances.

Be aware that Blizzard Entertainment has multiple detection methods for aforementioned transactions which will work both inside and outside instances.
This means that they can detect transactions defined in the previous sentence (the “GDKP”'s).

So now, if I pay 100 gold for a raid spot and 100 gold extra to have a claim on an item should it drop, what is the nature of this transaction?
I am trading gold for a spot in the raid. This does not in any way fit Blizzard’s definition of a “GDKP”. Therefore this is perfectly fine.
I am also trading gold for the right to reserve an item for myself prior to the run. The item therefore is not exchanged for any amount of gold, it is simply given to me by the raid leader or the master looter if it drops. Again, this doesn’t fit Blizzard’s definition of what constitutes a “GDKP”.

Hope this clears things up a bit, I can make it simpler and even translate to pidgin if it’s still too difficult to comprehend.

And that transaction can have many format.