Fresh on "dead" servers

There are so many posts about “fresh” TBC servers. While I understand the want to be a part of the first wave again, I don’t understand why this absolutely needs to happen. Why not everyone organize and relocate to servers with horrible faction balance, or extremely low population in general? If enough players migrate to these servers you could really make a positive impact on the health of the game AND get nearly the same experience you advocate for.

I am even willing to migrate with yall to be honest.

From what I can tell, simply “re-rolling” on another Server doesn’t “fix” their issues in why they want “fresh” in the first place.

You can’t go through Phases over and over again, on stagnated Servers. The economy isn’t “fresh” simply by re-rolling whereas “fresh” (I guess) “fixes” that. And, it’s an “even playing field” for all, on “fresh” than an already established server.

My only problem is these “fresh” people using “fresh” and moving their characters over to “stale ones” to “safekeep” and continue abusing the “fresh” experience to level and continue saving their progress onto the “stale ones”.

EDIT: I’ve discussed it, here:

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Because, if people did that, they’d create what already exists elsewhere. And anyone who wants that is already there.

To be clear, I am talking specifically about people who want fresh TBC servers. Not classic. Sorry I didn’t get that point across.

Rolling on low pop servers will effectively give them the “fresh tbc” experience they have been asking for.


oic. Yeah, that’s a great point! Except… that those low pop servers will likely remain low pop.

When people say they want fresh, I suspect that a lot want fresh high pop servers.

I’m talking about the “fresh” experience for ALL types.

Even then, “fresh” BC, they want gold wipes. Merely transferring over to a low pop BC Realm doesn’t wipe away everyone’s gold.

Going to a single populated server is never a good thing unless you join the winning side. Since for the most part these are PvP servers there is even less fun to the side thats being crushed by the other faction.

Again these are mostly PvP servers with extreme low populations (see below Vanilla numbers) Pve Servers actually have respectable numbers on each side already.

Except that with all the negatives of BEING on a low population server start to kick in as people move off. You need to have enough people which is why you see people doing Fresh Start Campaigns. Yet you are still moving into a place with people who have there community econ and other factors already built.

If the people are not committed to that longer reroll or going to hold out till atleast pre-patch when blizzard nails the servers down. The drop of people playing usually kills the hype as people spread out in there leveling and want for the reroll.

When a fresh server comes out people know there is no difference at moment 1 from any other person there is no econ to speak of maybe some groups of people re-rolling but the wave is moving forward not at the end like the “Dead” servers.

I am going to be very clear, there is a BIG DIFFERENCE between “New/Fresh” and “Fresh ‘Seasonal’” servers.

New release of servers with TBC vs Starting a server over on Phase 1 or constant restarts IS TWO COMPLETELY DIFFERENT THINGS.

Please keep them separate as it is confusing people and they’re derailing people’s request for NON-SEASONAL, NON-PHASE 1 servers for TBC pre-patch/release.

Reasons for New TBC servers can be read here, and the reasons to NOT want to roll on a destroyed server:

This is true, but if the community designated a single low pop server as the unofficial “fresh” server, the majority of players on that server would be of similar mind. Sure, there will be a couple guilds worth of players with fat stacks and starting at lvl 60, but they would be such a minority that it shouldn’t effect the over all server’s experience that much… or at least I speculate.

Also, being low population I can only assume that the economy isn’t nearly as affected as High pop servers. There just isn’t enough hands to create and exchange gold to inflate the economy to the same degree.

I know the solution isn’t perfect, but I feel it is a good solution.

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I wanna play on servers that are fresh with fellow players who also didn’t enjoy classic so we waited for TBC.

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I am assuming the people who want fresh TBC servers are massive enough in number and will organize themselves into both factions that faction balance won’t be the deciding factor.

I am not saying low pop server migration will be a 1:1 experience to what these people are wanting, but if a server suddenly has just 30% of players dedicated to starting fresh, leveling from 1-70, wouldn’t this be the best compromise that is actually in the hands of the player base?

I am pulling 30% out of my butt btw.

That is another thing that I do ask because I don’t understand the difference between the two. “Fresh” means so many different things to so many people.

You got “fresh” merely for “Gold Wipes”. You got “fresh” to relive the Phasing. To which separating out all of the reasons, how many are TRULY for those reasons? I ask that 'cause I want everybody’s wants and desires to succeed. In order to do that, we have to combine forces.

I’m not for gold wipes. And, IDK how many actually are for this implementation to actually be honored, and it’s why I think Blizz didn’t do “fresh”, right now because there’s probably not a lot on par with gold wipes. Only a small minority.

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Well AR alliance where my main is. (Forgot to switch toons) Needs people a bit but I’d only come over if you have a decent sized group.

I think Fresh people dont want to deal with inherited issues of servers that exsist as they currently are. If push comes to shove and new servers come its more likely that people find servers without problems and with pop in order to try to have a longer outlook.

Fresh servers players want blizzard to do all the work for them. For an extremely loud and annoying vocal minority, they will refuse to migrate to the smallest populated server, because that requires them to put forth an effort for once in this game and they don’t have the numbers like they think they do. No fresh servers, they can do make one themselves.


From day one, the issues people complain about Classic in general just aren’t a thing on low pop servers. The issues these people are running away from either don’t exist there, or only exist to a much, much lesser extent.

I also feel there are two reasons to want TBC fresh servers: You want to avoid economic issues, or you don’t want to feel “behind.”

My argument is that for people who believe want fresh TBC servers for the first reason have a valid solution. I don’t feel the second reason is really worth discussing. This is a team/community based game. Most content requires cooperation.

This is effectively what Blizzard has told players to do. They said last weekend that the only way they would open fresh TBC servers is if all realms have population issues. If only some realms are overpopulated, the solution will be free transfers to smaller realms.

These servers have 60s and people can transfer to them with tons of mats and rip the AH apart. Why are you so resistant to fresh? Just stay on your server and mind your own self.

I am not resistant. In fact, I really don’t care either way. I am only trying to suggest a constructive solution. I currently play on a low pop server and most of the major complaints of classic, except for Phase 2 electric boogaloo, largely didn’t effect the players on my server to the same extent as others.

I don’t think it is reasonable to assume a mass exodus of wealthy high level players will transfer over to a “dead” server just to inflate the economy. They will have to invest money to swap servers while the “fresh” community will just start from lvl 1 for free.

This is my suggestion to your problem. I cannot force you to try this out anymore than I can force Blizzard to create fresh TBC servers.

Wow what a problamatic post!

I need a fresh, horde only, blood elf only, pve TBC non-binary fluid-nonprogression server for me and my disabled vegan cat to play on. There is just no way me and Xermeow can be satisfied with a traditional binary TBC fresh server experience. We need our own experience to level to 41 before we return to the forums with further demands.

Blizzard needs to make this happen. It doesn’t effect you so you have no reason at all to point out how much of a failure this would be, even if your monthly sub is partly paying for it.

That you would suggest me and Xermeow should put forth a minimal amount of effort to create the community we fantasize about shows how little you know us. The level 30 forum account mains shouldn’t have to be subjected to this kind of violent oppression from self abled gamer toxicity!