Fix Faction Imbalance instead of rushing content

There are many solutions to help fix world pvp. Please do something instead of releasing content sooner.

  1. Let the horde (or dominating faction) character faction switch to the lesser dominated faction. Example - Undead priest can become Dwarf Priest.
  2. Scrap cross server queues and make server only queues, so the dominating faction has more incentive to help fix the faction imbalance by switching or transfering.
  3. Create another layer without world bosses, where the dominating faction must WAIT inside to be transferred to the “balanced faction” layer in a queue.
  4. Allow transfers of the dominating faction . I don’t see any transfers accessible for the alliance from heartseeker, alliance domianted, back to their original servers :stuck_out_tongue:
  5. Create a new server, let people transfer to it , but only at a rate that keeps the alliance:horde ratio balanced. Make a new category for this server called " BalancedPvP"

This is NOT just a player made problem. It is on blizzard to monitor this and direct people. They can’t force faction balance but they can incentivize and so far they have done none of that until recently when it is too late. They botched the servers at launch and have continued to prove incompetence and blaming anyone but the company is beyond delusional.

  1. Not happening, not yet anyways.

  2. The dominant faction has no desire to swap to the lesser side, in general.

  3. You will hear rage and salt like no other. It’ll never happen.

  4. They already have it, again, players don’t want balance, in general.

  1. It happened when bgs were first released. #nochanges
  2. I gave reasons to give desire for the dominate faction to switch.

Hate to tell you but you can’t fix it. Blizzard has tried for years. The majority of players don’t enjoy world PvP unfortunately. Blizzard has tried to bring it back countless times. In BFA they couldn’t even bribe players into doing it. If world PvP was that awesome people would just do it. And world PvP was fun before honor. It’s hot garbage now(imo). Maybe having it just be a side thing that happens sometimes is what’s best for it.

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If it was fun why not try to fix the problem instead of saying “Can’t fix it”.

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no matter what they do, they will gets hundreds of posts about people quitting… so why do anything

Well, in an ideal world, because the developers want to create the best product they can.

If I could fix it I’d have a job at blizzard. They have failed to fix it for 15 years. Don’t expect it to get fixed, just come to terms with the fact world PvP is dead, and has been for a long time.

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Except there’s no reason to tie content release dates to faction balance. An issue which only impacts pvp realms anyways.

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in an ideal world, the player base would want the same things… instead of being on completely opposite sides of the argument…

impossible to please both sides…

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They aren’t rushing content. Here are the facts.

  1. World PVP only lasted 6 weeks in vanilla before BG’s were released. In classic world pvp is going to last 4 weeks, not exactly a huge difference. Both are fairly short periods of time.
  2. Patch 8.3 for retail is coming out in January. This means it’s very unlikely BWL gets released until February. Considering this it’s a smart move to get BG’s out now so people in classic have something to do during the hollidays, as well as waiting for BWL to come out. They would lose many subscribers if they did not release BG’s early DEC.
  3. Diremaul was released early because they wanted a smoother transition into no layers for when PVP came out. If they held off diremaul until the same moment they’d have had way more people rush back to play the game and it would render the removal of layers meaningless. It has still been problematic, but not as problematic as it would have been.

Going forward I doubt we see content rushed at all and who’s to decide what is rushed content or not? The casuals? The hardcore? The World PVP fantatics? The private player servers? The fact is blizzard is releasing content at a rate that makes sense in order to keep as many people playing as possible. Pretending it was ever going to be any other way is delusional.

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You’ve put a lot of thought into this post & I really appreciate the effort however have you stopped to think just for a minute that Epstein really didn’t kill himself?


And now it’s only 3 weeks. So yes it is rushed.

So you are admitting things were rushed.

If they would fix the faction imbalance , less people would be complaining right now.

The problem is you can’t fix faction balance without seriously affecting the community. Almost every PvP server is horde biased. There’s just not enough alliance on PvP servers to make it balanced. If would take a combination of forced character migrations and faction changes. It’ll never happen because players don’t actually want balanced servers. They want to be dominant on their server, that’s how retail ended up having all the “PvP” servers be 99-1.


If the horde were enticed to switch to alliance faction because of BG queues and world pvp queue wait times, some would switch.

Look at how many horde have switched to heartseeker already, they got a 10% population increase in the past week.

I am not sure if it is enough, but some of us actually want faction balance and some of us would switch to the underdog faction if its possible.

That’s only 1 server. Like I said there’s just not enough alliance to balance all the PvP servers. You’d end up with a couple of decently balanced ones and the rest would 80-20 or worse. You will never have enough players reroll to balance it out. I have 14 days of /played I don’t care how bad it gets I won’t reroll at this point, and I’m sure I’m not the only one.

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One of my suggestions is allowing faction transfers. Did you even read my suggestions? With BG queues and world pvp queues, the dominating faction would have more enticement to switch. Also, adding an extra layer were the dominating faction like the horde would have to wait in while the other layer has balanced world pvp would quickly fix the problem alliance is having right now.

Even though I love the horde, If I have to wait for 1 hour queues , I would GLADLY switch to alliance if there was a faction change available.

I don’t think it’s so much that people don’t want to wPvP, it’s that there’s no point. You could bring two raids of allies to MC and there’s 150 horde sitting out front in most servers.

You could get a roving group of allies to go to WPL and you’ll have 20 horde waiting at the flight path/graveyard.

It’s unplayable. is the issue IMO, not that people don’t want to wPvP. I enjoyed as alliance before this mess anyhow.

Really, someone’d have to be an idiot to sign up for a PvP server and not want to wPvP.

If i were Horde i would worry about faction Balance. It is easy 5-1 when i wpvp on my server but the jug is broken and it cant be mended.
Consider how often you find alliance willing to fight in wpvp and that will give you an idea of how bad it is going to be for your bg queues.

There’s alot of idiots that signed up for pvp and dont want to wpvp. On both sides. The horde demolishing the alliance like that are just forcing them to quit , this making the server PVE. The alliance that whine , are not being strategic, and pvping in smaller battles out in the world instead of tryign to take on a gank squad.