The game is over for ally pvp servers

The game as its designed is unplayable at this point. On my server Ony attunement is basically impossible even at level 60. Game over. Yeah. Sad but true.

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If you’re so categorically divorced from reality that you think this won’t kill the server then there’s nothing I can say that will change your mind.

Hopefully your bizarre incel projections bring some joy to what must be an incredibly bleak existence you’re leading.


Players would have been quitting over that change. That would potentially keep people from playing with their friends or even making alts for their mains to send items/gold to. That would piss off a very large portion of players I would imagine.

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Indeed, couldn’t agree more


But what does that have to do with faction imbalance? Go post on some american forums about the corruption of the US government then?

I suggested a lot of solutions but people are being super negative about it . Fix Faction Imbalance instead of rushing content

We are on the same server, how have you not experienced this. do you even leave IF?

I’m our servers standing 12 for honor earned… I’ve been all over the world slaughtering the horde.

Unless they force alliance players to pvp realms, not much can really be done.

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They can make BGs realm specific, que times will drive balance


This very true on my server. You either have to stop playing or sit in a capitol hub the level 60’s are killing level 30’s and 40’s. The game on my server is not playable at all for Alliance. It’s probably a 30/70 and most alliance are only around level 40 to 50. Since honor system came you can’t even level now. The imbalance is so bad I wish they had a server transfer option or faction change option, I have a lot of time invested in this character. The griefing of low level players is off the charts.


Bg is coming in 2 weeks man

If you read my suggestions you would see that it can be done without forcing them. They would switch on their own free will if they had to wait for BG and world pvp queues.


No it won’t. What makes you think they will reroll if others won’t?

I didn’t suggest they couldn’t make alts, just that new people couldn’t come in and make characters. I do see your point about people joining their friends, since that’s what I did. Luckily I got a balanced server. Either way that ship has totally sailed so no need to theorycraft the shoulda coulda woulda

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Can’t you just quit in silence? Do you really think Blizzard is going to read your post and decide to change it’s successful game to prevent one unsub?

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No. Go screw yourself


I do think that would be a fitting punishment for the players that are causing the majority of the problem but again that would likely just drive players to quit rather than drive faction balance. This generation seems more willing to quit than to start over. Makes you wonder how much they really love this game to begin with


Not really, that would just drive them to do the same wpvp during queues.


8days played isn’t a lot if you like playing the game imo. There was a reason the pve servers in retail vanilla stayed full while most of the pvp servers went to low pop over time. there were some exceptions but lots of pvp servers were just ghost towns(I was on one and re-rolled then later they had paid transfers).

But you have a lot of private server players who only played pvp servers and know more about the game than most.

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