It's time to address the horrible faction imbalance on servers

I propose the following until the H/A ratio is 60/40 minimum: Faction locked free transfers off the needed realms, lock character creation for overpopulated factions, and last but not least faction based queues. Failing that, start transferring random horde guilds on Stalagg for example and placing them on Heartseeker.


Nothing needs to be done.
Current situation is acceptable.


That’s still a 20 point disparity. That doesn’t even begin to address the issue. Forced transfers of entire guilds would be a hilarious dumpster fire.

‘acceptable’ to some. Unfortunately, this is causing lots of people to quit and making the situation worse.

I’d love to see current Classic sub numbers. Just to see how bad a decision they made in allowing the initial round of transfers without considering faction balance.

I don’t think there’s anything to be done now though, servers will remain skewed for the remainder of their lifespan. Can’t force people to transfer or prevent them from creating alts on their faction.


Why can’t blizzard just implement faction transfers within the server, would solve a lot of these issue

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BGs is the answer to the imbalance. Those on the oppressed faction side gains priority VIP access to the wondrous world of BGS while the entitled wait in line.


so… horde having longer ques will stop them from having vastly superior numbers and somehow cause them to stop ganking fps?

Flight paths are not needed in this new content therefore it will be irrelevant.

what do you mean? I just flew to thorium point and was ganked and camped by 10+ level 60s. Do you mean this isn’t normal/fun?

(my server is 75-25 according to one site). Surely bgs will fix this…r…right?

Here are my suggestions.

If someone joins a realm with either a long queue or faction imbalance, then this is his fault alone. You can always reroll, no harm done by switching servers.

The only thing Blizz could have done was locking char creation on full realms and those with a high imbalance, but then people would be crying as well, that they can´t walk in the shadows of their favorite streamer…

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Nothing can be done, because 90% of classic population is horde. Transfers would do nothing, there is nowhere for this excess amount of horde to go.
If you dumped even a tiny fraction of these megaservers to heartseeker it would just turn into another skeram or stalagg.

I usually never say this, but this game is lowkey gonna die and its because too many rolled horde. The damage has been done, you cant expect thousands to reroll or sit in queues

Thoroughly enjoy this game while people are still playing, im not too optimistic about its longevity

If BG´s come out and Horde sits at Queues of hours, they will rethink their server choice and will complain about it, just like the ally do now. That´s what makes this whole thing so silly in my eyes.

Vanilla is all about those ups and downs, once AQ opens, the Horde will have it much harder with their mounts, same with world bosses in general, while a low pop Ally realm, can take turns between their top guilds.

Exactly this made Vanilla so much fun, each realm is different and that is the beauty of it.
If Vanilla dies, then mostly because of the community that is so much retail and so few Vanilla like.

I highly doubt people will reroll.
The fun organic world interations are mostly dead because too many players dogpiled on one faction and started taking the 15 year old game too seriously. Coupled with server populations 3x higher than actual vanilla, and you have a recipe for disaster.

It will just turn into world of raidlog and in everyone will be sick of it/asking for BC before naxx is even out

I would love more than anything to be proven wrong, but it aint looking too good chief

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