False suspension

Money? I have no reason to believe a human looked at it with a template because again, it is IMPOSSIBLE for me to have been participating in disruptive gameplay.

Not telling me what I did wrong also doesn’t make sense, I have had them tell me before, but not telling me doesn’t help me change the action that they deem disruptive.

just so you’re aware, these actions aren’t immediate.
it wasn’t something which was happening at the moment the action was applied.

almost all of your posting has been conspiracies.


I am.

No, you haven’t.

But you’re parroting exactly what we’ve all heard before, and that often comes from streamers thinking they know better and have been debunked countless times over and over.

Not unhelpful - you just refuse to listen to people who have been here for many years, and that is not my problem.

Also - you don’t get to choose who can and can’t post here. Unless my forum access is revoked (unlikely to happen), I will reply.

Good luck with your appeal. A human GM will get to it when humanly possible.





This post will end up locked if this continues.

Seriously, your only option is to appeal. You can keep appealing until they say no more and then it is what it is. Good luck.


Your claims are false.
This can be verified by reading any of the other threads in this section of the forum which make the same claims.

The reps must get so bored of trying to debunk the stuff you people make up and spread.




[EDIT - To add some more]



Dude just stop youve crossed the line and could likely face a forum vacation if u continue this route this isnt a threat just a warning.

Believe what u want but this can only be handled via a ticket and a real person will look at it u dont like the responses fine u can ignore people by clicking on there profile and clicking ignore. I suggest u stop checking this this topic before u say something thats gona get u into more hot water.


I had far more post count before they changed to this current forum software too.

The benefit of multiple monitors mean I can do several things at the same time.

Thanks but no I’m fine.

Have you submitted another appeal yet?

Good thing this hasn’t happened - because if it had, the game would quickly become unplayable. Funny that.


Thank you very much. I am more inclined to believe it now. If the GMs would respond with that level of depth in my ticket I likely would have never had this problem.

Looking forward to having them review it again.

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Oh believe me - if I’m annoyed at Blizzard I show it like the best of them. Thought you were going to ignore me though.

No, but this forum is all about ensuring information provided is correct.


lol there is nothing credible about someone posting some random crap on Twitter.


Well said, first word says a lot. Did he cite his sources for the credible information? A good reporter will.


Because folks who hang out here on CS see the Blue posts day in and day out. What most of us speak on, we know because of what the SFAs have said so many times over.

The only difference between us, who you believe to have “blind fealty” and you repeating the same conspiracy theories that everyone else does - is that we’ve got the facts of what the SFAs have been saying over and over and over again ad nauseam.

Please continue with your appeals. Hopefully one of the SFAs will be able to offer some insight in the morning.

Good luck to you.


Is it the entire team, or most?

Hmm, conflicting statement there.

Yeah good reporting…


This is a player help player forum, in case you are confused.


And I am sure a few of your posts have been reported for trolling



I’ll apologize up front because I don’t mean for this to come off as me only posting to get the last word in. It is instead to offer correct information as provided by an employee of Blizzard to counter misinformation.

There are plenty of reasons, even beyond the fact that this forum is one for players to assist other players. I personally enjoy helping folks. While I hate the endless bickering that can turn up, the folks who genuinely appreciate the help that can be provided - whether it being given a proper ticket link that they couldn’t quite find on their own or questions answered that a GM couldn’t due to how their jobs are restricted in some fashions - they make it absolutely worthwhile.

Appeals and personal account information things aside, asking questions here can completely negate the need for a ticket and the wait times that may play into an issue, or help shorten the time by directing them to a more appropriate ticket path. A lot of CS folks have been around for many years and have seen a lot of stuff come through here. We work with the SFAs to help other players to the best of our capabilities.

So with that being offered - I’ll again cross my fingers that you’ll be offered some insight once the staff gets back into the office this morning. And I do sincerely wish you luck with your appeals going forward and beyond.


You were very helpful and could easily be mistaken for an employee. Many others in this forum post have not been helpful and have made things more annoying than they needed to be. I appreciate your assistance.

guys, friends, pals. Stop going back and forth and round in circles just because you want to hold onto your point and shake your sticks. Sheesh, grow up. When someone has asked you to stop, just stop. It doesnt matter what they might think, you dont need to repeat yourselves.
Make a cuppa tea, go watch the sky for a bit and relax hey.
Op, just pop another appeal in the first ones tend to be a very basic catch all template. Disruptive gameplay can cover a pretty wide array of things, everything from using an exploit to an add on weak aura that shouts as you do things. If you get reported for spam it could fall under that. But keep appealing and keep it simple, just ask to confirm the actual reason for the suspension and ask if they can shed some light on the basic particulars - note they wont be specific because thats information bad guys might want about their reporting systems/data. But they should be able to give a lil more clarity. There has never been GM’s on this forum tho, so any responses here are just an SFA stepping in and providing clarity they may have, but it wont replace an appeal. So just stick to that and go from there hey.


Thank you, I had no idea. I’ve never had to do this and just assumed the customer support forum had people from blizzard providing support. I appreciate it.