False Ban for SWAPPING gold

Recently several people have posted here about the same discord about them getting account actions for gold swapping. So there is a problem on that discord!

This thread really needs to be locked as it is just going with out you going it.


No, you were suspended for engaging in direct trade with an illicit account for illicit gold. The flag was accurate.

You asked for proof the kind of trade you engaged in was unsupported. You were given that proof. You quoted EXACTLY what the risk is and why it is unsupported.

This is not hard. You took a risk. You got burned. You are suspended. That is not changing unless somehow there is proof that the gold you directly got was not from a gold seller account.


You helped them move gold. That’s contributing. That’s the point we are making. It doesn’t have to be directly buying or selling.


While this isn’t something posted - I did actually put a ticket in about this after a discussion of whether gold trades between games was against the rules or not. This was the response I got:

So, unsupported there, even though it’s only in my ticket history.

For the ToS?

Not every little nuance is spelled out. They touch on the “big” issues, but if they went and listed every little thing, it’d take forever and a day. Some things should just be common sense. If you have to ask? It’s likely going to be something you want to avoid.

While that is keyed to factions and realms, it’s a blanket statement really. Ideally, this should be updated to covering cross-game trading as well, but there you have it.


You gained gold from a gold seller. Period. That is why you got suspended.


You seem to be ignoring the fact that if blizzard wanted this they wouldve done something like token which would solve situations like this the fact that you willingly went around blizzards safe guards makes you as guilty as the gold sellers.

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Lets not play coy. You contributed to the gold sellers/buyers which ruins the game for legitimate players who actually work hard for gold. Legitimate players work hard for their gold and keep it within the game they are playing. You didn’t work very hard for the gold you got on another part of the game. You are supporting gold selling/buying along with everyone else who is getting suspended.

Again, take your chance and move on.


You worked hard for your gold, but where did the other player’s gold come from? That is the issue.


You already know it.

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What does it matter who the gm was.


Not an automated system!


Triaging makes sense. It’s not just for medical professionals!

Anyway, I understand you’re feeling pretty upset now. I’d consider taking a short break, spending the weekend doing forum arguments isn’t really a great use of the weekend.

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You did get a manual verification in this very thread by Blizzard.


Not Blue text then?


Mind linking us to this?


I really don’t know why this thread is still going. Dispella, posting here may lead to more account actions as this is not an avenue to dispute an account action.

Anything else is completely unnecessary here.

Here’s hoping this thread gets locked and/or removed at this point.

Best of luck with your appeal(s). Friends, don’t trade gold with strangers.


You’re right. I’ll sit on my hands. GL everyone.

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Just because someone on the internet claims they work for CS, does not mean they do. Just because someone in a Discord says they are legit, does not mean they are. The person may have some experience with CS, or even know someone there. They are not working with CS now and you did not get that from any sort of official Blizzard communication.

Orylia can see all your tickets you know.


Yes, yes I can - a LOT of them.

The only reply I see is our standard uphold template.

You keep asking for a human - you have gotten humans - I, contrary to the fur suit, am also human.

You engaged in an unsupported transaction and got burned. For that - I am truly sorry. Do I think you thought you were dealing with criminals - no, do I think you thought much about this beyond your hoped for outcome - doubtful.

When I tell folks not to deal with these folks, there are good reasons. This is a multi BILLION (yes, that’s a B) industry across the gaming world. These are not businesses - they are criminal cartels. Not just in the sense that they break OUR rules - they also engage in credit card fraud and identity theft for starters.

Real world analogies are going to fall flat for this kind of circumstance. There simply is no direct example that is going to line up completely.

But think about this - illicit gold is like counterfeit money.

If you were traveling to another country and went to trade your real currency for another, and were supplied counterfeit money and get caught…

Again, not a great real world example because there simply isn’t one - but something to think about.