False suspension

I know there are a ton of posts of people claiming to be falsely suspended, but I was suspended for disruptive gameplay which is not possible as i have not done anything with almost anyone, most of my time has been spent getting caught up on the main quest and doing world quests for rep. It is a short suspension, but I have a feeling people were taking advantage of the automated system and mass reported me. The first response I received on my ticket was clearly automated and not a person, it did not give me any information or even relate to anything I said. I understand blizzard no longer has a large support team but the automated bot responses are useless. Can I get a human to look at my ticket?

First of all, nothing said on the forums on what you may or may not have done in-game isn’t taken into account as no one on the forums is part of the appeals team. Another, every appeal is handled by a human being. You may not liking the outcome doesn’t change the fact a human was the one whom reviewed it.


Oh sweet mercy.

OKAY. You received a TEMPLATED response. It was not automatic, a real live GM sent it to you.

While mass reports may happen - we’ve yet to see a confirmed case of it when people come here posting as you have. Instead, we repeatedly see the SFAs completely debunking that claim. The big thing to remember though - if you weren’t doing anything wrong, all the reports in the world would do NOTHING to you (save for perhaps the squelch system kicking in, and that is the ONLY automated thing that can happen with reports. And that squelch is only in place long enough for a GM to go through and see if the reports line up with bad behavior or not. Either the squelch is lifted, or a full-on sanction is set on the account).

You’re also not going to get specifics about what you said or did from your appeal. Perhaps in the morning when the SFAs get in, they’ll be able to offer some insight. It’s not guaranteed, but with social sanctions, they try to offer what they can.

Also, appeals are not to plead your case. It is for a fresh pair of eyes - HUMAN eyes, even! - looking over the data that lead to your suspension. So no, the things you said are likely not going to merit as personalized reply. They use templates to keep the information going out uniform and to streamline things.

All you can do is appeal and keep appealing until you’re warned that no more appeals will be accepted. There are no GMs on the forums, and our SFAs do not man this forum 24/7.


Yawn - same narrative.


Even if it were one report or 100, if you did nothing wrong you wouldn’t know. Either way, still investigated by human GM before account action is or isn’t applied.

You did.

You can keep appealing until you are told no more. Every appeal is handed by a GM.


I have no idea what an SFA is.

No. They removed around 1800 from both Microsoft and Blizzard. Mostly dev and creative positions. Most of the customer service team is intact.

Wrong. It’s a template. Templates are used to ensure unified information. A human GM sent it after investigation. Sometimes humans make mistakes, and GM’s can send the wrong template response. It happens. It’s certainly not automated.

Support Forum Agents. Ie, the moderators of this forum.


No, you really don’t.

They don’t have to. They investigate the logs. Game logs show a huge amount of details. Everything that goes on in game.

People need to stop spreading false narratives, because it’s been debunked time and time again on this very forum - although it seems to be a very convenient argument.

You can keep sprouting your innocence here - but this isn’t what the forum is for. Keep appealing. That’s all you can do.


You know nothing for a fact as it is NOT automated. The GM who received the report(s) looked over the logs that they have and determined you violated the rules. They then suspended you for it. Could it be in error? Yes. That is why there is an appeals process. You can keep appealing until such time as they tell you that no more appeals will be accepted.

I have no idea if you are guilty or not. That is why Blizzard uses the log files and have an appeals process. Each time you appeal, a different GM goes over the logs to determine if the sanction was in error or not. If it was, they remove it, and the black mark from your account. If it stands, then the logs show you did what you were sanctioned for.


Hello Hruwahnartou,

This is the last forum you want to do this on.

Your options are to appeal. A human has looked at your account action and you were found guilty, an appeal means another does so. They look at the logs. If a mistake was found to made, they will right it.


Blizzard has never used the same system as others as they created their own software and tools as well as the game engine.



Yes they did. The Blues here have been over this time and again. You are falling for internet conspiracy videos that we get to see referenced here often.


I have not referenced any videos. I have not seen a video that says that. I have no reason to believe a human looked over it, and they won’t tell me what I did. Until I see proof a person is behind it, its safe to assume its automated.

That’s clearly not what I mean by system.

I have watched people get mass reported live and suspended before.

I’m not. I have no reason to lie. I’m not here protesting my innocence either.

But you know what’s often fun? When a Blizzard forum staff member comes in and not only confirms what we’ve been saying, but also provided insight into why account action was applied - and often those protesting their innocence are far, far from it.

No point continue to reply to the OP people. Easier to believe streamers than forum regulars and Blizzard themselves.

Conspiracy theories = drama = likes/views.



We are telling you that a human looked at the action and applied it. The response you got was a template. The template was used so everyone gets the same response. They are not going to tell you want you did exactly because there are money interests that would use that.

Your option is to appeal. Another set eyes will look at what Blizz has. And they will over turn it if was found to be a mistake.


streamers making outrageous and unsubstantiated claims for clicks?
how shocking.

…and i guess the “proof” is to link these videos to people, for more clicks…? :thinking:

if you want to “do your own research”, use reputable sources.




Money? I have no reason to believe a human looked at it with a template because again, it is IMPOSSIBLE for me to have been participating in disruptive gameplay.

Not telling me what I did wrong also doesn’t make sense, I have had them tell me before, but not telling me doesn’t help me change the action that they deem disruptive.

just so you’re aware, these actions aren’t immediate.
it wasn’t something which was happening at the moment the action was applied.

almost all of your posting has been conspiracies.


I am.

No, you haven’t.

But you’re parroting exactly what we’ve all heard before, and that often comes from streamers thinking they know better and have been debunked countless times over and over.

Not unhelpful - you just refuse to listen to people who have been here for many years, and that is not my problem.

Also - you don’t get to choose who can and can’t post here. Unless my forum access is revoked (unlikely to happen), I will reply.

Good luck with your appeal. A human GM will get to it when humanly possible.

