Epic Premade?

So i did some epic bgs yesterday, and people in the bg chat were saying ruthlessbro is here, time to give up, and like 8-10 people instant afk the battleground ??? wtf is this when did horde become such _______ seriously?


If your queued as a solo player and your fighting against a 20-40 man premade. I would afk out aswel. There is nothing to gain but time wasted. Log onto a alt and pvp on that. These premaders like Torture, Ruthlessbro and Inemia are a cancer in the epic BG. I do my daily and leave. They are nothing.


oh man the alliance players r just as bad.

had 2 ashrans last night where we completely stomped the horde at RoC then the team just AFKd and we lost by resources.

also seems like every other game the alliance will completely destroy horde at hangar then just all afk and let horde use glaives to get down gatre insta

the alliance r just terrible really.

apparently trying to have a good time with friends makes me cancer?


OP is Ruthlessbro making a thread about himself :clown_face:


Ruthlessbro creates a thread asking why solo pugs don’t enjoy getting roflstomped by their premade raids.



When you go out of your way to ruin the fun for others, yes.


Can you try having a good time with 4 friends? Not 20+ “friends”?

Solo pugs are trying to have a good time too. And they’re not the ones circumventing restrictions to gain an unfair advantage.


I’ll have a good time with as many friends as i feel like having a good time with.


lol. ur not even joking

http s://check-pvp.fr/us/Tichondrius/Ruthlessbro

it really is him…

my man his own biggest fan XD


I started up a thread to rally up the forums, it looks like it worked :smirk: :tipping_hand_man:

i don’t go out of my way to ruin the fun for others. im not going to pretend i don’t hurt people’s feelings, losing isn’t fun, but its pvp, someone has to lose.

people premade because they want to play with like-minded players, nobody likes playing with pugs who are quitters and carries. if anything the bad attitude of pugs and many solo-only players is why most people are premading these days.


all your friends went to a party and had a great time, you weren’t invited, how does that make you feel?


Having good times at the expense of other’s game experience? Yes that makes you cancer.

The perfect summation of an Epic BG Premade player. My God.


Sync queuing isn’t going out of the way?

By stacking your team with a premade raid, it’s always the other side that loses.

Most people are premading these days?

I think your viewpoint is biased if you think most random bg players are premading.

You can do random bgs with 4 friends. You don’t need to go with 20+ “friends”.

Who isn’t invited? All your “friends” can still party up with each other so nobody is solo queuing.


You mad bro?

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so if i let you win, and then you have a good time at my expense, you then become the cancer. clearly the problem is that people are allowed to lose, but we have a whole game mode where there are no losers and everyone is a winner as long as you try your best, its PVE.

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“Dude that party was so sick, everybody got laid. Even wheelchair Robert got a ….”

Everybody mad that they up against a premade, yet horde is the main offender that premades more so than alliance lol… my community is the only one that premades epics on ally. there are 3-4 horde communities that do the same.

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not really, you log in, ask for a spot, then look at your other monitor and watch netflix while you wait for a queue pop, or if you are feeling social, hop in disc and chat with everyone.

the whole purpose of the syncing is to eliminate players from being that lost extra wheel getting backfilled into a grinding loss while everyone else is having a blast in their game.

its not stacked intentionally, though has evolved that way simply due to the fact that we’re taking the same group of players and having them play the same 4 maps every day for the last 5 years. i’ve done all the epics thousands of times, some casual hunter who queues up once every couple months only on bg week doesn’t even have veteran achievements.

when you are talking about that level of experience difference, even my casuals will seem pro.

well generally yeah, most activities are better with a friend.

i don’t need to go with any friends to win against pugs. the main reason im premading is to play with friends and like-minded company.

yeah, but then they get into a different game, and its still the same story, you play all night and never get to play with the people you want to play with. if you are popular everyone wants you in their group and everyone wants to be in your group, and you can’t just drop people from your party and pick others because that hurts people’s feelings.

pvp and epics in particular would be better if it was like LFR, allowing you to queue with up to say 35, then filling in the rest with solos and other groups.