Epic Premade?

“Just want to play with like-minded players.”

Yeah we know. You want to stomp pugs and so do the people joining the queue sync :upside_down_face:

What a revelation lol


This is rich coming from someone who is circumventing Blizzard’s queue system in order to give themselves overwhelming odds to win the match.

At least have enough dignity to be honest about what it is you guys do. The only people you’re deluding is yourselves.


and when we get split and still win with only 5?

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Ok are all the leads here?


Nice we got 4/5
go out of one’s way

phrase of way

1. make a special effort to do something.

"Mrs. Mott went out of her way to be courteous to Sara"
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Then that’s an honest win? Was this supposed to be some kind of gotcha?

if my win rate is the same sync or no sync, premade or solo, then its not the syncing or the premading that is the universal factor in my win rate, its me.

at a certain point, you are going to end up shooting fish in a barrel because the fish haven’t learned to fly yet.

was it a special effort to write that post?

You act like its hard to join one of these communities…which isn’t true and it aint hard bud lol

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Just so I’m clear, you’re claiming that.

a) Your sync queue win rate is idnetical to your 5 man win rate


b) Your premade winrate is identical to your solo win rate

Am I understanding that correctly?

I haven’t acted like anything. If you feel called out it’s probably because you know it’s true :man_shrugging:

im not claiming anything, ive been running REFlex since legion, i have my long term and seasonal stats and win rates. i highly recommend this addon to keep you sane on how much you win vs lose.

Then what was the point of this statement:

if i queue solo and gy farm a bunch of pugs, does the solo queue make it okay? and how far away from the graveyard do i have to be before it stops being farming and starts being pvp?

If you’re not feeling social, why are you in the premade raid? I thought the whole point was socializing with friends.

So your premade players can dish out grinding losses to pugs, but can’t take them.

Your team is stacked by your premade raid.

So y’all run with premade raids because premade parties would hurt people’s feelings?

Who are the popular people in your community that everyone wants to be with?

Oh, so you guys are ok when you’re not with your premade raid.

Do all your other premade friends have the same high solo win rate, or are you carrying some of them?

So you stack your team with a premade raid of high win rate players, and then go against pugs. You’ve changed your PvP experience and made it feel like PvE. Guaranteed to win with minor effort.

If you queue with a premade raid, are the pugs more likely to get gy farmed?

GY farms happen less frequently when it’s pug vs. pug.


Let’s make this as simple as possible.

The Blizzard allowed five-man group = good

Circumventing that system by sync queueing = bad

Nobody is arguing with you about GY camping.


It was and I appreciate you acknowledging my hard work.


and playing with like-minding players. keep in mind people are also premading to avoid having to play with bad pugs.

the only teams we have to grind down are teams who are capable of putting up that level of resistance, which is usually other premades. if your pug team can stand up to SAS’s entire main line, you need to be looking at esports contracts or something.

so what? when people talk about stacked teams, they are referring to FOTMs and meta, not a cohesive group of pvp mains.

would it be fair for a group of high experience individuals who play together to lose to a group of random nobodies?

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i disagree, the positive elements that social premade communities bring to the pvp community as a whole tend to prove i am right.


People also talk about stacking teams with glads and r1s. Or other players with high win rates.

PvPers literally AFK out of the game against a premade raid. Then, their replacements also AFK out. And then their replacements. Etc.

Players would rather take the deserter debuff and not PvP because of y’all.


yet at the same time people join SAS and love it, we have heard on multiple occasions about how people were about to quit the game until they joined us and how we are more active and more social than their guild. we’ve had members end up homeless and get a place to stay from other members. people are planning road trips around visiting friends they have met in SAS.

the main thing is that joining a community and socializing humanizes the other players, you get to put a voice and face to the name and suddenly realize these are people who just want to have fun and hang out doing an activity they all find enjoyable, not monsters looking to grind your bones to dust.

im not going to tell people not to afk, if you just don’t feel like playing that game, nobody is making you stay, but at the same time, if you are just hopping from game to game looking for the free win, i don’t care if you leave, in fact stop queueing for pvp all together and leave it for the people who actually want to play and try to win.