Make Epic Battlegrounds unable to be queued into Premades

It’s not complicated. Some people want easy, near-guaranteed wins. They get to feel “powerful” because they can do whatever they want to the other team.

For example, there used to be a premade community that pushed pugs back into their AV spawn cave and then forced the pugs out of the game via the portal in the back. These premade raiders literally counted and bragged about how many pugs they were forcing out of AV.

Of course, they’ll try to put the blame on bots/AFKs/deserters/ungeared players/noobs/etc. for their actions.

^ Created a thread about themself on an alt:


I’m sure other players have also seen when these premade raids clearly could have already won the epic bg by killing the raid boss, but they decided to prolong the completely one-sided game by avoiding the raid boss and farming HKs until the reinforcements hit 0.