Why do alliance like playing epic BGs where there are 20 or fewer horde there

Those games were premade v premade. So I had no horse in the race.

I just told them their only win condition they denied it and then went on to lose the game. And the next to.

Syncing is cheating so yes yes you do.

And while epics have unfortunately become an arms race to see who can break the que system more so I understand.

it’s not me, but alright. I really got nothing to prove to you guys. Asia or whoever this person is actually in your guys community. they sent me this like 2 weeks ago.

h ttps://imgur.com/sDAkVVA kinda sketchy as :poop: :poop: im not goin to lie but it really doesn’t surprise me how you guys run that community. that really isn’t me believe me or not idc

wdym :clown_face: u r cleerly desperate 4 theyre attenshun

I really dont like being called a liar, I am upfront with everyone that i communicate with even my enemies. :man_shrugging: :man_shrugging:

but u r 1 along wit bein a exploitr n a coward go hide in ur prem

dude if you want me to take you seriously you need to spell correctly. otherwise im just goin to label you as a troll

wydm lol i culd care less wut teh guy talkin bout n 2 himself on alts on teh forum think about me

lol @ Ruthless pulling a Kevin Durant.

I’m not surprised… at all.

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he been cauht multipl times now :clown_face: :dracthyr_hehe_animated:


:yawning_face: :yawning_face: let me know when you guys got anything new. ill bbl

if a premade com causes a short side by not accepting its bad but if a pug team causes one by mass afks it “what else are we supposed to do?”
is this hypocrisy or just a fun coincidence?

The best part about adding Ruthless to your friends list is… he counts as five different friends.


opshun 3 false ekwivalince q dodg screws teem b4 gates open ppl afk after teemfight alrdy loost

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lmao :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

sounds like a chicken/egg scenario

big booty latina :drooling_face:


incase u mist it

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ok I have genuinely zero problem reading urcringe posts (honestly they make more sense than most q syncer posts)

But im genuinely surprised I got this without any issue

thats it i stack heals AHEM LOOK OUT WORLD i am the 1 woman healer army be afraid :smiling_imp:

oh my what have we here


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