So, I primarily pvp on this character but I decided to do timewalking with it because I wanted to learn how to heal with mistweaver. Twice now I’ve been vote kicked from a dungeon after someone died and as a result I get the dungeon deserter debuff.
The first time was in Neltharion’s lair. I mistakenly rolled off the cliff before the first boss. I died because I overshot the water. The group pulled without me and wiped because they had no healer while I was running back. I got vote kicked from the group without anyone saying anything.
The second time was in Black Rook Hold. After the first set of stairs that have spiders the tank pulled the whole room and the casters, which were just free casting arcane blast on the stairs, killed one of the DPS. I got vote kicked pretty much immediately.
Look, I get that I probably suck at mistweaver, especially given that I’m in full pvp gear which is not optimal for dungeons stat wise. Still, the fact that you can get vote kicked from a group so easily and then you get a 30 minute debuff that excludes you from queueing again is absurd and just plain bad game design. Blizz, please change this.
Hello for dungeon feedback you’ll need to move this to the appropriate non-support forum as Support doesn’t handle feedback.
It’s intentional design to address extreme behaviour in the past. It is unfortunate that some use it in this way but by all means if you got a proper suggestion Blizz’s all ears.
You made a mistake and they wanted a better option. I don’t see what they did wrong, but let’s move on for a moment:
Ok, so in the first instance you didn’t know the layout of the dungeon and you got yourself killed, forcing the rest of the group to wait for you, and they opted to get another person.
In the second instance, your healing ability clearly wasn’t up to snuff and someone died. They wanted a better healer. Understandable.
So, the random people in your groups are not responsible for your learning curve. You’re asking them to punish them for you not being prepared to do the job you signed up to do.
If you’re looking to “learn” I would suggest making a group out of people you know and asking them to go at a pace you can handle, not expecting a bunch of randos to slow down just for you.
I’ve played every spec in TW at some point, and I’ve been kicked for “not doing my job” as well. Rather than coming and asking for everyone else to be punished, I went and researched ways to improve my speed and effectiveness.
As someone who HAS played Mistweaver, I can tell you that there are plenty of resources out there to be ready BEFORE you hit the “Join Queue” button. My suggestion is to do that research and get your bars and macros in place before your next foray into random dungeoneering.
In the case of the OP, I would say both cases were justified. Expecting a random group of people to go at your pace while clearing what most people consider “trivial content” is a bit entitled, if we are being honest.
I doubt it. I mostly suck at healing in general, but I was able to get a setup for Mistweaver that works well enough to people in TW don’t know I suck at it.
Support Forum Agents have no involvement with the game devolpment, and they are not liaisons for the game development. You might want to, I would say edit the thread and move it to General Discussion, but there is already a few active threads, so post in one of the already active threads in General Discussion.
I appreciate all the replies. In my frustration I didn’t take the time to see if there were other threads that has similar content. I don’t use the forums often so I gravitated to the support section.
I don’t necessary agree with Beau’s post btw, sometimes the dungeon speed is really “murderous fast” these days.
It’s really bizarre. Part of it is that people don’t know any better because they learnt it this way, so next time they also do it to other people because that is the “expected” way not knowing it is actually abusive to play like that.
And sometimes people just need a little bit more patience in dungeons. Smh.
If you’re ever unsure of what a dungeon is like or have never been in a particular dungeon and want to know what’s what, then i suggest using the university of YouTube to find out the nuances of any dungeon that you wish to do. That’s what I do when I go into a dungeon the first time.
I know you said Timewalking was your intent and I know there’s a bonus of getting heroic gear out of doing the quest at level cap, but there’s also Follower Dungeons.
They’re designed to go at your pace and you can learn to your heart’s content without other players getting impatient.
To add to this, said “extreme behavior” was (primarily) tanks and healers taking advantage of the lack of debuff for being kicked when LFD was first introduced in WOTLK to hold groups hostage and demand to be kicked if they got a dungeon they didn’t feel like doing. It got bad…you’d zone into a dungeon where everyone’s VTK was on cooldown and the 6th tank was sitting there refusing to move. VTK has an internal cooldown that starts adding up if you use it a lot, and these people were causing it to increase massively for basically no reason. Adding the debuff to those that were kicked was the only way to solve this.
I understand someone that didn’t play back then might not know about this or how bad it was, or even see it as something that could happen. But it did. And it was so bad that LFD was basically unuseable until they changed it so being kicked also gave you the debuff.
That sucks. I wish other players would be more patient and not abuse (or perhaps a better word would be overuse) the vote kick option.
Yeah… it’s an unfortunate side effect of the implementation of the debuff. You aren’t the reason the debuff was implemented; you are the collateral damage. I think the collateral damage occurs now far more frequently that the behavior that generated the implementation of the debuff.
I hope you do make some constructive suggestions for change and add to the discussion or simple drop a constructive suggestion into the in-game suggestion feature. As an example, I’ve previously suggested that the debuff timer start after the first boss is engaged. That way the further you go into the dungeon, the lower the debuf if you get kicked. It wouldn’t help in your specific case, but it does improve the situation for folks who have put in a bit of time into the group. Anyway, that’s the sort of thing the developers would want to see… an idea to improve the system rather than mere calls to remove it or change it.
Pooh, players using the vote-kick option is not abusing the vote-kick option. The entire aim of the vote-kick is to give players agency over who they would like in their group, and yes, players can chose to initiate a vote to remove anyone from the group, as long as the majority of the group passes. That is not abusing the vote-kick system.
Relevant sources:
Groups are empowered to manage their own members through the vote-kick system. If the majority of the group feels a player should be removed, they can initiate a vote-kick to remove them. The system is entirely under the control of our players. Players may choose to remove any other player from the group for any reason, provided the vote to kick passes.
Pooh, nothing you’d say, how you phrase or try to reword something, would change that end of the day folks have a right to use the vote to kick. It doesn’t matter the reasoning, time, or where it’s used.
You can keep trying to frame this however you want until the cows come home, but you’re not going to have anyone using the vote to kick as breaking the rules.
It’s a word with a meaning, and entertaining that meaning exceeds the intent Blizzard has for the system. It’s a new requirement. It’s a loophole in the straightforward rules as they exist now. It’s a wrinkle and an exception and if allowed to persist, makes CS’ job harder.
Which is why Akuyama is rightly pushing back. Within the terms and definitions set forth in the Blizzard support system, “abuse” doesn’t exist. Discussing it in this forum as if it did exist is contrary to established policy and creates ambiguity and confusion.
And that’s the problem. You’re stating your opinion. But the only opinion here in Support is Blizzard’s. Posting your opinion here muddies the water, when the only position that should be stated is Blizzard’s official one.
Go state your opinion in GD or Dungeons/Raids/Scenarios and stop confusing things.