Dumpster Fire is correct, but how bad is it?
Cataclysm was a dumpster fire. WoD was a dumpster fire, but here’s the thing:
This is an unprecedented dumpster fire. This is 1600’s Great Fire of London. This is the complete and targeted destruction of the 15 years of WoW.
Why is BfA so unprecedented? Allow me to elaborate:
BfA has taken what I considered a very good expansion in Legion and made it look worse. By removing tier sets, artifacts, and legendaries, still strapping player progression to gear, then taking away what appear to be no more than Band-Aids for what was a horribly designed system in the first place, the developers have seemingly been able to pull off what I can only view as a major feat in and of itself. They have doubled down on the worst parts of the principle of “rented alternative advancement” by viewing leveling an artifact weapon as something that was fun. As if it was a goal. The truth is that it wasn’t. It was almost entirely passive and ancillary. Tier piece obtainment and legendary roulette covered a lot of the warts of the system which was dumb to begin with. The mythic plus loot roulette was minimized in Legion because so many slots were entirely dedicated to permanently equipped pieces. You ran them for rings, necks, and would shift around tier pieces in different slots based on what you got. You also had a much larger sense of control of your secondary stats in Legion. Now it doesn’t matter because the loot box will spit out pieces of, for example, crit and versatility gear to an affliction lock as all your choices despite lacking haste making the spec feel slow and plodding anyway.
This is in regards to PVE.
Then we look at the other pillar of this game, PVP, where it’s tough to even grasp what people play for anymore. There’s no real ladder or carrot at this point. Just another poorly constructed band-aid in War Mode that has no means to compensate for CRZ and virtual PVP server drawbacks. But PVP is more hamstrung by class design than anything else. There’s no real customization. The PVP talents are a failure. Resilience was ruined by PVP Power and statistical consolidation in Wrath, and although it wasn’t perfect (certain classes should have scaled off Resi at different rates i.e. SL/SL Locks and Resto Druid 2’s teams or talents should have straight up been nerfed) the truth was that it was more balanced then and garnered more participation then than it has sense. The easily obtained gear worked both as a catch-up mechanism for PVE, Druid tank defense cap supplementation, and also kept BG’s from being so enormously about huge burst lol’s than it is now. As somebody who plays classic and understands that PVP back then was more about who got the strong open, now is much more in line with that than any level of give and take.
Class design is also wretched. Over simplified, over-culled, inflexible, bland, boring, repetitive, and just all-in-all worn out. This should be the focus of any new expansion ahead of anything else. Class systems for actually playing the game are vital and they need well thought out and constantly re-examined as outliers arise. There should be logic and depth applied. Right now, too many things feel the same. Too much is just another button that does the same thing. MoP and Wrath should always be looked upon as “closer to perfect” than anything since.
And lastly, the story is lost. It’s nonsensical. It largely has been since the end of Cataclysm, which in and of itself did no service to what Deathwing truly deserved. Just as Legion butchered Varian in a means that was completely unfitting of the Alliance’s only truly compelling character. If the Shadowlands preview is any indication, this isn’t going to get any better.
TL;DR: There’s way too much doubling down by these developers on bad concepts, bad ideas, bad systems, and bad lore. There’s fingerprints everywhere of financial concerns trumping artistic values, and if Ion ever gets laid off and his NDA expires, it would be fascinating to find out as to why things are the way they are. Just as it would be fascinating to learn what Morhaime would have to say bluntly about Activision.