Dumpster Fire:

Says the guy that posts in almost every thread lol.

The gal whom posts in threads she finds worth posting in* you mean.

There’s literally hundreds of a threads a day that I don’t even post in.

At least I’m engaging in conversation, not pretending I hate a game, and finding myself unable to walk away. :woman_shrugging:

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What a brilliant reply!

Glad you think so.

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Because youtubers never lied for views…ever.

Very few had their refund refused. Now they are accepting refunds no questions asked

Everything else i mostly agree with.

Perfect example once again of blind fun, outside being unable to even admit other games are better, they cant even imagine that people genuinely hate the game xD

Talk about next level delusions

Wait, you are saying WoW story is better than Swtor? Man, your tastes are awful.

To each his own I guess. “I am my scars” :stuck_out_tongue:

But but but World Quests are some of the best content to be put into the game :roll_eyes:

Dude, there a is a ton of people that the only video game they play is WoW. Wow has a ton of players like this, no other game I have played has such a weird player base like WoW.

Trying to understand this segment of players is futile at best. You will just go mad trying to argue or convince them that there are so many other great studios out there that make awesome games.

And if would like to locate those players, come here every patch day where they have nothing to play while WoW is down.

“have you tried new game?”


yeah its called damage control sadly the car has already exploded yet they still try to pretend the vehicle has no faulty parts or maintenance

Yep, I do prefer WoW over SWTOR. in the story telling department.

SWTOR is exceedingly dull and point blank predictable.

WoW ain’t a sparkling ray of creativitive sunshine, but at least WoW doesn’t pretend to have choices when it really doesn’t.

Then again, Bioware is pretty well known for giving the illusion of choice, that ultimately lead to absolutely nothing. :thinking:

Least wow’s honest about it, and more fun to play.

Find me a better MMORPG, and maybe I’ll admit it’s better.

Still haven’t found one.

hot garbage or cold turds theres your choices :rofl:

Um, this post is a bunch of gibberish. I have no idea what you trying to say here lol.

Shows the sad state of the game, I guess.

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Hmm, I guess you haven’t played Kotor 1 and 2, or Dragon Age, or any of the Mass Effect games then?

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I just looked at your profile, what do you even do in this game anyway?

Didnt mass effect andromeda fail, mass effects endings where all the same to the point they had to add a new ending. Dragon ages endings never really made sense either. So ya.

Laugh out loud :slight_smile: You clearly didn’t play any of these games.