Dumpster Fire:

It’s the best way to describe this expansion.

Yes, I unsubscribed. Yes, I pre-ordered Shadowlands. Yes, I’m waiting for the reviews before I reactivate IN Shadowlands. 4 months of not playing pays for that anyway. Going to put my sub money into Shroud of the Avatar since they’ve fixed almost all the issues that came about (if you’re going to try it, game is not about graphics, but options - you can make almost infinite builds).

Now, onto the main points.

  1. Treadmills within a treadmill. We have the Heart of Azeroth that we’ve had since the start. That got boosted to 80. Okay, then. Now we have a cloak we have to grind. Doubling the grind. Fantastic. Now the minimum item level has jumped up again and I must begin with Mythic 0s to become somewhat viable again. Fantastic. I now have new reputations I need to get to get the BiS necklace essences. Fantastic. Wait. I still have to grind the old reputations since I’m on an alt. Not fantastic. So, ah, I sort of have to pick a main, because I can tell you getting this character up was a chore and a half. I can’t imagine you poor people with 5+ characters.

  2. RNG. Congratulations. You have removed Titanforging. You’ve put in corruption forging. Which is worse. One trait can make things with very little ilevel boost your power level to insane levels to where an upgrade would be a downgrade. Furthermore, corruption can kill you and hamper your game play. You’ve not removed Titanforging, you’ve created Corruptionforging. You do not replace a system with a worse system and claim that the old system is gone if it’s fundamentally the same. This is called regression, not progression.

  3. End Cinematic. So, ah. We just kind of Kamehameha’d the main boss. Question. Why are all the buildings falling apart again? Why are the spires erected by his servants falling apart? I mean, those people built those by hand. That’s not a very viable building strategy. “Oh, our god died. Better have things he wasn’t even involved with explode and fall down.”

  4. We will not speak about PVP and the lack of vendors.

  5. We will not speak about the cloaks dropping in mythic chests.

  6. We will not speak about RNG’d mythic dungeon traits that can, sometimes, make the entire week unplayable.

  7. Rant on Warcraft III reforged, the Illidan & Arthas cinematic looked like someone just got done with a drunken bender and had to render things - see Illidan jumping onto Arthas’s sword and everything moving stiffly and awkwardly.

  8. Giving back class abilities taken from us doesn’t fix what happened in WoD, where you actually gave passives while leveling to compensate us for it that influenced the spec (most people forget this was a thing).

  9. Alts are not viable. Tanks need to get MULTIPLE reputations to revered - so, fortunately for me, I had some tokens and Mechagnomes start out honored with Rustbolt (where one of the, then, currently BiS could be bought). So, way to chase out any up and coming tanks. Fun fact - these essences are so powerful I was under-level tanking mythic pluses before Season 4 and got geared in time for it. The healers had no issues because these were so powerful. Have fun grinding, new tanks. -_-

  10. Just finished a video where someone was told he wouldn’t be told why he received a 6 month ban. However, this isn’t the main point of this. A customer service representative outright said to him that he could wait 6 months to play his account or just buy another expansion and make a new account (AKA - driving sales). This… is beyond dumb. So, I guess, have fun botting on some account, transferring it all over, making another that it eventually finds its way to, etc. (this is something they actively do and it’s well-known). Blizzard now endorses this, apparently.

  11. Update: This just popped up (2 hours after original post) - they are now banning people who tell you how to get a refund on Warcraft 3 Reforged.


Finger twirl.

Entire expansion in a nutshell.


It’s sad to say but I’m doing the same thing for the same reasons. I’m hoping that the mythic phase of the raid is going to do something surprising but…I doubt it.

There was so much in this expansion that could’ve been done.


Give Shroud of the Avatar a try. It’s a poorly optimized game (it was made on a bit of a budget). It’s also free to play.

Tips - turn graphics down to minimum - game isn’t about them anyway. It matches up to your monitor refresh rate (knock it to 60 or it tries to push 144 FPS on some monitors).

When I had to, basically, get a degree on trouble-shooting a new game and had more fun doing that than playing this one… yeah, bad news bears. Bright side - 9 different magic trees, with combinations possible through all of them, even opposing ones. Same amount of armor + weapons, shields, etc. Taming systems along with support trees that augment and energize the other trees. It is a very, very old school game. I mean, very old school in nature. Think Ultima levels of grinding and leveling.


… I’ve retracted my comment

Self-entitled means that I believe I deserve things.

When I signed up for World of Warcraft, my initial promise from the people I made my account with in 2007 was that I would not be subject to the problems and quality errors of a free-to-play game. I pay for your game, you don’t hit me with microtransactions, ridiculously dumb grinds, and provide me a quality service.

I can safely say that all three of those have been broken and this is just free to play with a sub, but worse. Expecting someone to uphold their end of a deal is not self-entitlement, it’s common business practice. You provide -me- with a service I pay for. From Burning Crusade to Mists of Pandaria, I had a great time and I believed it to be worth a subscription cost.

For instance, I frequently pay artists to do character commissions for me for D&D and Pathfinder.

If I paid them consistently over-time for art (one guy I hire quite frequently - like eighty bucks every two weeks) and they just tossed me something that was not worth the price and I had to ask them every other week if they were even working on it because they were unreliable - that’s not entitlement. I paid for something, I should get something. If I am paying for a certain experience, I expect that certain experience.


I barely logged in to 8.3 when it dropped. I stopped playing about 2 months ago and I just can’t bring myself to get back into the grind. The neck was bad enough and I have zero interest in this cloak nonsense. Not to mention the severe alt-unfriendliness of the expansion has killed any desire to have anything but one spec (not even a class) geared also puts a damper on my interest in continuing to play.

I’m waiting for Shadowlands…though I have a sinking feeling the new covenant system is going to be a mess too…


I expect classes to get messed over harder. When that necklace goes, imagine the state of classes without Azerite Traits that made them viable.


What to you is a reasonable time requirement for being viable?. How do you define viable? What content are you trying to push after hitting 120 that you feel essences are the one thing holding you back?


If you want to do Mythic+ Content, you need to be viable.

If you want to do Visions (you know, the thing this patch revolves around), you need to be viable and must be suitably expected to be able to survive and deal the damage necessary - even as a tank (which won’t help you - and you’re not full-clearing as a tank).

If you want to raid, you need to be viable.

Pick your poison.


Take your strawman and go.


No problem, no point in entering this thread again. HF Struggling thinking you need rank 3 essences to do LFR / Mythic 0’s.


Thanks mom.

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So, about those addons that auto-decline people without the correct third party scores (which, by the way, I’ve custom-designed my build to focus not on what Icy-Veins said and I’ve come out ahead on a build that can do more than I’ve imagined possible).

I worked my way to about a 1k IO score on my main last season. Guess who would’ve had to do it again on an alt this time around, while trying to gear them up through all of this - with the ilevel increases and what not as well as the difficulty increase of +6 to M0?

Not seeing the treadmill, yet?

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They have corrupted titanforging :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: and just made something worse that everyone hated…deliberately. I didn’t see it that way until now.


I demand and require we always call it Corruptionforging now.


Blizzard vs. Bethesda



You’re very well written and make cogent points, in my mind.

I don’t like seeing veteran players leave, but I hope you can find some worthwhile digital entertainment (sounds like you may have in “Shroud”).

Be well, Q!


You must pay for the DLC from each company individually and get, at least, two microtransactions.

after having all these issues with the game (some of which I share) why have you pre ordered shadow lands?
You have already given them your money and they havnt had to do anything for it yet.

Imo pre orders are (part of) what let’s companies release unfinished products and patch it later.