Do you want Classic TBC and Wotlk?

Personally, no. I’m not a huge fan of TBC, and I like Wrath even less. But plenty of people want them, so good luck.

I would love TBC, was my favorite expansion.

I would HATE wotlk, every design decision was something that felt like it was done for the sole purpose of pissing me off


No Thank You. Maybe After 1-2 CYCLES of Classic. Yes. But NOT FOR A LONG TIME.

after enough time has passed , yes i would be interested in TBC and to a lesser degree WotLK.

Doesn’t make it better, it’s just when WoW had time to spread and catch on.

A lot of people heard about it but disregarded it for years and then slowly more and more of their friends joined in and they gave in too. It peaked because it was built on the foundation of Classic. Once that was removed via Cataclysm the pop started to resemble a dying heart beat.

Of course, TBC & Wrath were extremely fun and I’ll get bored after clearing all the Classic content.

Glad to see the strong support in this thread.

As long as you leave the vanilla Classic servers alone for the people that only want to play it, then yes

Ideally I’d like to be able to “graduate” my characters from one to the other in succession.

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Yes! TBC is when I started the game, and Wrath is my favorite expansion, hands down. The storytelling in Northrend is just superb, and the Death Knight starting zone is my absolute favorite in the game, hands down. Getting to be proper baddies, even for just a little while, was awesome.

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I can live with just Vanilla, but having TBC Classic would be my jam.

Wrath I might play the early phases but once the Tournement phase and beyond hits I just don’t see much point anymore, unless it’s changed in some way (not impossible. Blizzard did make the call of keeping the old mount system in classic, so it’s possible they might not add in the dungeon finder system for Wrath since it came at the very end, which may help a little bit, but there’s still a lot of troubling core decisions beyond just that but capping your badge farming back to the pre-3.3 level would help a little bit).

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I think that LFD could work, if they removed the summon/unsummon features. That would make it a good balance of having a way for asocial/introverted people to get to play, or for people to make groups without venturing to a city for Trade Chat, and the fact that replacing someone in the middle of a run would be… problematic, at best, so you would often try and help people, rather than just kick them, and it forces more interaction so you plan things out.

They would also have to make it server only.


No thanks.

X-server barely matters for Wrath’s issues. It’s the convenience and unlimited heroic spam potential causes a lot of the biggest issues.

the other double-edged sword was having the heroic badges upgrade to one tier below the highest, which gradually outdated prior content beyond the weekly kill “x boss in pointless trivial raid”. yes it keeps heroics relevent but it also invalidates all other content (the Tournement and ICC 5 mans have similar issues, though not being able to spam heroics would help limit how quickly you bulked up since the normal gear is a bit more modest).

maybe give a Occulus style satchel for full clearing a dungeon in heroic (killing ALL bosses) that gives some extra one tier lower than current badges. That could help offset some of the gogogo and encourage people to kill all the bosses, so it doesn’t end up like timewalking or Wrath PS, where you skip as much of the dungeons as humanly possible.

That’s how it was originally, I think. Cross-server LFD/LFR didn’t come around until later, IIRC.

X-server debuted with LFD system in 3.3. (given that we’d likely have significantly fewer wrath servers this time around, there’s basically no need to worry about X-server stuff. The important aspect is making sure that the people who are sticking around on wrath or trying it out at later dates when it’s no longer rolling out phases can get to experience the content, otherwise you end up like a late life Wrath PS where the only thing that matters is the ICC 5 mans and a little bit of heroic spam until you can buy your T9 to jump from fresh 80 to ICC in about 4-5 hours).

LFR didn’t rear it’s head until Dragon Soul in cata.

I would probably live in this game again if they would re-release WotLK.


Yeah, eventually but I want them unlinked separate games.

No character copy no move your toon from vanilla to TBC.

If you want to play TBC you start at level 1 with new characters.

Hopefully, if Classic is successful enough, we’ll probably get them.

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Couldn’t agree more. I’m playing Classic to show Blizzard that there’s support for the game as it once was. That doesn’t exclusively mean Vanilla, or at least it shouldn’t. I really don’t think Vanilla is as good as TBC, and as much as I’m excited for it, the Classic community is far too willing to pretend the problems with Classic aren’t actually problems. I miss social gameplay elements, just like the rest of you guys - but that doesn’t mean that I have to pretend that Classic WoW’s class design is even close to being a good thing. It’s atrocious and the people who claim it’s intentional don’t even realize that Blizzard barely had any idea what they were doing.

The Classicast Podcast with Kevin Jordan when he talks about balance failings for specs in Vanilla is very enlightening - and it completely and utterly dismisses the notion that Blizzard actively wanted certain specs to not be allowed to raid, or the ridiculous notion that hybrids were literally designed to only be able to heal at a high level. Blizzard just wasn’t any good at game balance back then (they still aren’t but it’s an ocean’s difference compared to Vanilla), and by the time they had their ducks in a row TBC was so close to release that they instead waited to actually fix the balance of the classes and specs when the expansion rolled around.

Anyone who claims that Blizzard actively wanted so many specs to be unviable in multitudes of content in Vanilla is mistaken or dishonest. They failed at balancing the specs and had to deal with high-end raiders not wanting them to make tier sets that could fix those issues because they didn’t want to potentially re-gear their raiders. But people need to stop pushing the ridiculous narrative that Vanilla’s bad class balance is 100% intentional. It was a combination of inexperience and a touch of wholly understandable ineptitude in the realm of MMO’s in the early days of their game.

But anyway, rant aside, I strongly prefer TBC to Classic. And Classic would be a considerably better game with adequate class balance.

Oh, and dual spec. Dual spec is good for the game. I think people have forgotten that back in Vanilla and TBC it was the single most-requested feature by a landslide. Classic WoW would be a better game with dual spec and improved class and spec balance. It’s far from perfect and I’m sick of people getting indignified when you hold that opinion.

In short: TBC is better and you can still be excited for Classic while acknowledging the massive number of flaws and issues to which Vanilla WoW played host.