Do you want Classic TBC and Wotlk?

I am really looking forward to playing Classic as I never actually got to max level(60) even though I did play classic. I hit level 60 in the week before TBC launched. I spent a lot of time on a rogue with my brother ganking horde in Ashenvale near Splintertree lol.

When TBC came out, everyone in the Guild I had joined was talking about how great the changes were and the balancing was compared to Classic. They all loved Classic and that it was a great game, but they couldn’t deny TBC really fixed a bunch of issues and the game was fun. TBC was one of the few games I played for hours at a time and just absolutely enjoyed the game, the social connections I made with Guildies and enemies alike. I still to this day remember a horde rogue on LightningHoof named Obesity that would stalk through Ironforge all the dang time killing unsuspecting players.

It was so fun to go after him and hunt him down, no matter how many times we killed him he kept coming back. That and the hours I spent sitting on the bridge between the AH and the bank spamming my “Lock picking at IF bank, tips appreciated”…

I had a lot of fun back then, and the game just hasn’t been the same. I did have a lot of fun in WOTLK but it still doesn’t hold a candle to my time in TBC. I play a lot of games and still am a gamer but without a doubt my most fondest memories to this day is hanging out with my guildies raiding Kara and doing world pvp in TBC.

With all that said, I am perfectly fine running Classic for a while to finally get a true feeling about the game and its roots. Though I do agree with an earlier poster about I wish they would at least have dual spec. I am really going to hate not being able to have two specs available. I like being able to switch between healing/dps lol. I don’t care for warriors, so I don’t plan to tank in Classic.

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WotLK got the formula pretty much as perfect as it ever was. Northrend was a cool continent, there was a ton of content to do at all levels of play, class balance was as good as it had been to date and was pre pruning/talent tree changes.

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Class balance in MMOs is a myth. If you played a class that was OP or not having issues with balance then you didn’t feel the imbalance directly. Go look to the forums, I assure you with every patch there were people crying about balance. MMOs shouldn’t try to idealize balance as the status qou – but instead class identity.
Edit: The “balance” homogenization continues today, all classes can AOE, all classes have a spec that lets them self heal, all classes can solo groups of mobs. MMORPGs at their core were never meant to make everyone happy and change the game to suit individual needs. Instead players were supposed to adapt or reroll another toon to have a different identity.

As standalone servers. Classic stays classic.

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I would love to play through all of Vanilla, TBC, WotLK and even cata (at least to firelands). Just want to be able to clear the content i never got to try.

WotLK was pre pruning and homogenization so there was still plenty of class identity.

And while perfect balance might be a myth that doesn’t mean it’s not worth trying for(and it was certainly a lot better in wrath than vanilla). Keep in mind that even in vanilla you were trying to cram 9 classes into 3 roles and there was a ton of over lap. The only class you could say actually had a unique position in vanilla were warrior tanks and that was only because of how weak druid/pally tanks were(something that was later fixed)

in Wrath I (think I) remember everything started to be able to AOE dps better. I believe this started in TBC but there wasn’t an across the board balance in classes AOE until Wrath (am I wrong?)

Plus no one on earth that played Wrath (especially early wrath) would argue that Death Knights weren’t ridiculously over powered.

I want wrath to be able to play DK again.

Well, some people need an OP class to feel like they finally reached balance. Which is why true MMORPG balance is a myth.

Except DK’s weren’t ridiculously over powered, they were pretty good but hardly irreplaceable. I mean sure over geared blood tanks could solo some select bosses but in real encounters all tanks were relatively close together.

And no classes were not equal in AOE, which was mostly just a trash gimmick anyways in wrath for padding the meters.

-More of an opinion based on likely your skill + your class not being too under-powered to handle them.

-Well what specifically was it about wrath classes that made you think “man, this balance is sick good!” – If you can answer me some things that didn’t lead to class homogenization I will promise to think about what you said and consider it as truth.

Wouldn’t it just be the ultimate Blizz troll if they launched BC servers 3 months after phase 6 released?

I want them released 3 months after Classic is released lol. Then Wotlk 3 months later let people play what they want.

Yeah, I’d do TBC again. It was pretty great, probably the most fun I had, since I hit Vanilla quite late in the process.

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As I already said from day one of vanilla we already had 9 classes some who could theoretically perform multiple roles shoved into 3 roles so there was always a ton of over lap.

By wrath they got it to the point where all roles for all classes were close enough in balance that you could genuinely bring/play whatever you wanted. And that there were more viable options for the always limited number of roles is not the same thing as homogenization.

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Why? As long as they release them as new servers the people who prefer BC will go there and the people who prefer vanilla will stay there.

Unless you’re worried that BC/Wrath will in fact be more popular than vanilla again :slight_smile:

Dooooood, you know if I have to explain it, it’s no longer a joke.

Take my post with a grain of salt. I did not play until Legion.
But I played the death of my cd of Warcraft 3 and love the Frozen Throne. I found leveling in TBC was very boring and blank. WotLK on the other hand I quite enjoy.

TBC was for me the best.

I get that most people say WotLK was the best because it is the expansion where they started (after all, 7+ Millions started during WotLK) but to me, it is the expansion that made me quit.
Too much homogenization, some classes were way way too good, LFG, huge huge catch up mechanics etc. I love the quests, zones, music though. It was a good time for the first 5 months but then …

But yeah, TBC was the best time for me

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I can’t believe Classic, TBC and Wotlk are part of the same game as BFA.