Do you think we will get our Guild Bank items returned with this maintenance?

I checked again after today’s maintenance. Nothing further has disappeared but nothing that disappeared three weeks ago has returned. I just want to know that the problem is not going to affect other forms of storage and I want to know when it is safe to use our guild bank again.

I’d feel much more comfortable if there was a blue response in the bug report thread. The radio silence is making me wonder if they have any idea what’s going on.


Coming here to bump from a bigger forum:

If you are also having this issue, please post there. Someone is making a spreadsheet of all invidual players and how many guilds are affected so we have more concrete numbers.

I would post my whole story here, but I’ve shared it many times on the bigger forum I shared. I’ve been here about this issue from the beginning and I cannot hold onto hope any longer. I’m joining the many others that are leaving. I’m going to continue monitoring these forums and bumping every single one I find so that those players who stay hopefully get the reparations they are owed.


Anyone there?
Can we put items into our banks again?
Any update when they think this might get resolved?


Still nothing. Neither in the guild bank or in terms of communication/updates…


I don’t know. My Alliance bank appears to be back, my Horde bank on the other hand is still empty.


Even the “Blizzard can do no wrong!” shills are avoiding this topic.
Things that make ya go… hmmmm!


Back? As in items have been restored?

If so, maybe they are doing them a few guilds at a time? Oh, that will take forever!

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Sure. Dad’ll come home with the milk, too.


I’m all out of likes to give for the day.
Poopy Bliz and their poopy like limits.
So, consider this an official like!

Yeah, it didn’t happen.
My anger is getting to the point of no return.


Feels like a demonstration of how little value they hold their player base. Especially long term player base, considering how many posts in the bug forum stated they’d been collecting items in guild banks for years. I guess there aren’t any “high profile” twitch or youtube streamers that have been affected.


This. All of this. We can’t let this get swept under. This needs to become as big a deal as the corrupted blood incident. Where are the WoWHead posts and Youtubers reporting this? Where for the love of god is Blizzard making any sort of statement? It’s clear to me right now that the hope is maybe we’ll all go back to using the banks and forget this ever happened so they don’t have to fix it or admit that they screwed it up.

But guess what. NO. This is a huge breech of trust. They need to understand that this basically looks like Blizzard committed direct theft from a massive portion of their player base. Those items were ours. We farmed them, bought them, made them, and stored them. And they were taken without any word of acknowledgement. It was an accident, sure, but the lack of communication about it makes it theft. FIX THIS.

If I wasn’t just gifted a six month sub via a friend of mine returning to the game, I 'd be quitting right now. Now I kinda wish she hadn’t given it to me. I just feel sick and angry every time I log in, to the point where I feel like the gesture from my friend has been a complete waste of her money and kindness.


Your are not getting any of that back, they are just going to hope you eventually forget about it.


It’s really sad. I’ve kept up with it since resubbing and I can’t believe they’re so quiet on this right now, it’s a really, really big deal.

Hope they actually get it resolved.

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Well, ultimately, I will forget about it by deleting all my remaining stuff and canceling my subscription.


Checked both of my banks, and they’re still missing over half of the stuff. Nothing’s back.


This needs fixing!


Please reply to this forum post! We have someone organizing all the users and the guilds they had affected. Keep sharing this so the big post might get noticed!!!


I’d like to see both of these threads kept as active as possible. Keep the word out that this is happening, and Blizzard isn’t talking about it – but rather, is trying to pretend it hasn’t happened by deleting the known issue post about it.


“Something’s not quite right…an illusion, what are you hiding?”

Anyone else feeling like a guard in Suramar?


Guess what? The support article for this issue has been deleted, on both the US and EU. Since it’s both it’s not accidental. They’re trying to sweep it under the rug. All the goodwill they built up with Dragonflight, Metzen returning, etc, they’re going to lose, and Midnight will flop just like Shadowlands did. I thought there were lessons learned about abusing the playerbase, but I guess not.