Guild bank missing items - what happened?

I’ve been following this thread since the beginning and commented a few times now. Just got on for the first time today and read the last 6 hours of comments only to be more discouraged and disgusted about how we’ve been completely ignored and shoved under the rug. The deletion of the known issue with this on the customer service page is beyond any excuse they could appease me with now. I subbed for a year a couple months ago and have played on and off since the end of BC. I have memories in this game from friends that I don’t talk to anymore. I have memories with friends who unalived themselves and this game helped me cope and continue playing with them in spirit. I am going to post on all the other forums that were linked here and continue to monitor these forums in hope that those who are staying get what they are owed. I however, made my mind up last night and since the maint did not fix the issue, I am gone. I have very little money and it took me a very long time to save up for that year sub, but I know I won’t get any of it refunded. I also am deleting all blizzard/activision games (including diablo which was another game that is tied to a person who is no longer with me). I have nothing but the most disrespect for Blizz now and will make sure to continue to monitor and support you all and post on any and all links you guys create.

As for the details of my guild:
Midnight Council (Horde)-Dalarn
Max tabs that were 90% full and only one item remaining (random piece of meat).
The issue started during prepatch/remix. I tried pulling crafting items from my bank to level professions in preparation for TWW, but a lot of items weren’t coming out. Submitted a ticket, no response. Gave it about a week. Bank was completely empty (minus that piece of meat). Another 3 tickets, no response, but tickets were marked complete and deleted.

I was heartbroken at first after losing all those items, but it has just switched to primal rage now. I’m going to give GW2 a shot, but my backups are FFXIV and AQ3D as far as larger scale games. Satisfactory is finally releasing 1.0 on September 10th as well. Pretty sad a small indie company like Coffee Stain Studios can release multiple games that are much more stable than Blizz. I really hope those of you who decide to stay get what you deserve, but I can’t support this anymore. Enjoy my year sub Blizz because it is the last penny you will ever receive from me.