Do you think we will get our Guild Bank items returned with this maintenance?

It’s not fixed. I’m gonna cry.



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I’ve never seen it this bad. Ever. Stuff just goes poof, twice a week maintenance. Is Blizzard just outsourcing everything now?


I think I’m probably just as, if not more, annoyed by the fact I can/dare not use my guild banks, as I am by my missing crap.

Makes no sense how this even happened


That post was specifically about a Warband bank, not a guild bank. Someone basically hijacked the guild bank thread with their Warbank issue, causing confusion. The materials he said he could see were sandworn relics, which are warbound and can’t be in a guild bank.


The biggest issue I’m getting from the posters on the Bug Report forums is that the missing items from the guild is bad enough, but the lack of communication from Blizzard about this issue is unforgivable. The only communication we are getting, at all, is from the EU forums and only from one Blue with a simple “we know and are working on it”.

Blizzard, please just acknowledge us. We know an ETA is unlikely, but an occasional “we’re still working on it” will go a long way. No communication means we are left to speculate on our own about what is going on and that’s not a good thing for either party.


My guild banks are still wiped out. We need to keep this bumped so there’s awareness among other players who may not even be aware.


The lack of any response whatsoever is nearly as frustrating as our stuff being retconned.


Survey says: not this maintenance!


Yes, that would be GREATTTT! I don’t realize how much is gone til I go looking for something and realize… it’s gone… anti-digitalmatter ‘abyss’?

a few minutes lataer…

NOPE… still EMPTY!

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Have irl stuff to get done.
Will check back in later tonight.
Please keep this bumped so we can get more eyes on it.


Bump for visibility on this.

I’m glad someone linked the megathread on this from the Bug Reports section, as well.
(Guild bank missing items - what happened?)

Apparently, this issue has been brought to light a while ago!
(Guild banks missing contents with no withdrawls listed - #18 by Orlyia)


You know what would be great? If we AT LEAST had a post telling us if it was safe to use our guild banks in the meantime. If we are risking items not being restored by using the bank.


Seriously peeved to log in this afternoon and discover my alt GB is still empty. Still no word from Blizzard of when and if the items will be restored. Don’t want to use the GB on my alt guild or my main guild because I do not want to overwrite the alt GB and don’t want to risk my main GB disappearing too. Blizzard wants to know if we are excited for the 20th anniversary…maniacal laughter Maybe I would be more excited if I hadn’t lost 7 tabs worth of items saved up from almost 20 years of playing with absolutely no communication and they want us to spend gold on warband bank tabs. screams into the void


I hear you and I am there will you. I keep logging on and hoping only to discover a still empty GB. I legit screamed in frustration when I logged in after maintence to a still empty bank. Scared my cat.


Missing items from 14 guild banks. No guild bank was untouched :frowning:
I had mats for every profession & planned on leveling eng & tailor on one of my Timerunners. The mats I HAD plenty of are all gone. Had to buy & refarm over 100,000g
of stuff.

I also had plenty of the costly “junk” from DF (sinews, jaws, etc) for buying mogs pets & mounts from the rep vendors. That bank was completely wiped out. Nothing left. It had all of my elemental reagents from every expansion also (waters, airs, shadows, fires, earths).

Been playing and collecting since mid BC. Pets, mounts, rep items, raegents, cloth, chant BS, LW, all missing anywhere from 1/2 guild bank emptied to entire guild bank emptied :frowning: Alot of it is irreplaceable today.


Since I had stuff disappear from my guild bank, I’ve been removing all profession mats from lower xpacs that I was saving for a rainy day. It is pouring.

My toons had so many mats in their bags, that I ended up leveling a ton of professions from lower xpacs over the last three weeks. I have experienced so many bugs while doing this (auction house, flying, Khadgar missing, more flying bugs, etc.) that I have no desire to play TWW.

Good news is that my guild bank is now really clean. Bad news is that over half of the stuff missing was not from me or my guildmates.

If I wasn’t subbed until February, I would not be here at all.


One of my items I lost was the big iron fishing pole in my personal alliance guild bank. I went to Draenor and fished up another one…in 8 casts. But a LOT of stuff is still missing and this needs to be addressed on an emergency basis.

I haven’t even got the worst of it, since I didn’t have anything super super valuable in there. I know people who have lost millions of gold worth of stuff at the minimum. To where even gold cap on a couple toons would not be adequate compensation.


I’m pulling whatever I have left from my guild banks. I’m so done I’m past fork-tender.


Pretty shameful this hasn’t been addressed or the situation updated honestly. I mean this isn’t McDonalds. Customers won’t just walk away if you ignore them.

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