Do you think we will get our Guild Bank items returned with this maintenance?

Wow, this is unacceptable and the lack of communication is astonishing. Oh wait, yes, typical Blizz.

I think it’s ridiculous of Blizzard.


It’s still very bad looking that they didn’t outright say 'hey guys this is a little too vague of a support article so we’re removing it". (Crossposting this.)


:rofl: :joy: :rofl:

Yes, absolutely!


Bump, because I can.

So we didn’t get our missing stuff back with that maintenance, maybe the next?
The Blue on the EU forums is saying they are still working on it. On our end it’s frustrating because we really need that storage space, either for personal use or for a whole guild of people who use the stuff for leveling or making raid/gear enhancing buffs.


I’m adding my voice to the growing frustration over the disappearance of almost everything in my guild bank, ranging from Vanilla to Dragonflight gear, reagents, recipes, and quest items for archaeology, books, the Darkmoon Faire quest items., and more. This includes all the gear we relied on to help new guild members and supporting players leveling their professions.

Is this a matter of getting down a list of game bugs? If so, what is the possible ETA?

We used to be able to give specific gear to players at every level, and if anyone in the guild—whether new or veteran—decided to start or change professions, we had more than enough reagents to help them out without needing to farm immediately. Now, it’s all gone.

Reagents are missing, some that you can’t even get in game or their drop rate has significantly fallen since they were introduced - like felcloth. Which is also missing from my own character that is a tailor.
It no longer drops in Felwood at the rate of almost every kill. in the last two years the only place to get it was in Swamp of Sorrows but now it is not dropping there either.

Something you need to level your Vanilla Tailoring. While they are no longer needed for in game quests or equipment, they are critical for leveling up professions beyond certain points, so it’s a real problem.

I had two pieces of Felcloth in my bank. But I could no longer see them. When I looked at the pattern it showed I had two pieces. I went to a moonwell and was able to make moonbag so I don’t know where the pieces were stored.

All our gear and equipment is gone. We have new and returning players and current members starting new characters or leveling old alts, and we’ve got nothing to offer them. And it’s not like we even got gold in exchange. Some of these items were worth atleast 15k gold—old blue and purple pieces we farmed for hours.

From what I’ve heard from other guild masters on Staghelm and Dawnbringer, I’m not the only one. Based on this posting in the forums. this issue is affecting guilds across the game.

I’ve been waiting for a solution or at least a response from Blizzard, but unless I’m missing something, nothing has been addressed yet.

Blizzard, this is a serious issue, and it needs fixing now.

I do have hope! All the items in my VOID storage have been restored. My VOID storage right now is a testament to journeys mostly with those special items that I have received over the last twenty years. But right after launch everything but the tabards were gone.


I haven’t been able to log on for 3 days because life is getting in the way.
Have there been any changes today?

This is the first I have heard of this. And here I have been thinking my guild bank is safe.

If anything has gone missing, I haven’t noticed.

I have my personal guild and have been shuffling over to my Warband Bank slowly. I guess that is good.

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5 out of 7 of our private guilds have 70-95% of their items missing since about 14 Aug. The logs show nothing was removed and all the gold seems to still be there.


tens of thousands of items gone from my guild bank, a CM told me they could do nothing as it was above their level and to mark ticket as resolved.


Lets keep them alive!

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I love how everyone wants more communication and instead they delete what little they had…


being told to shut up and keep quiet or else.


nah its worse. they’re comcast.


Checking in to see if anything has happened yet.
I really don’t want to log on. It’s so depressing.
Please give me good news!

I doubt any of use are getting any of it back and Blizzard will just slowly start to pretend this never happened

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We won’t let them forget us!
Keep pestering them every chance you get on every media available to you.



Just one clear post is all that is needed Blizzard…


I’ve linked a reply from a Blue on the EU forums, that gives a little more information, and a bit of reassurance about using vaults going forward, here:


I haven’t used my guild bank once since the bug started :confused:

Had to test the Warband bank a few days in a row before I started trusting putting stuff in it and leaving it.


it might not be technically feasible.

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