Do you think we will get our Guild Bank items returned with this maintenance?

I certainly hope so!
It’s been a month now since the items went poofs.
Enough is enough!


Whether or not the items get restored today, SOME kind of update from Blizzard about the problem, many items vanished from guild banks WEEKS ago and still missing, is necessary.


I hope so, I’m running out of inventory space!


Same here!
I’m too afraid to put stuff into the bank as it might over write something else that poofed!


Knowing that stuff you’ve worked for in game can just poof without any real acknowledgement from Blizzard really is a motivation killer for actually playing the game.

Ooh, neat anniversary stuff? I’d love to get excited, but now I just worry what that patch will break and what else I’ll lose.


My guild keeps asking me when we’ll get to use the bank again and I have no update to give them. It’s extremely frustrating.


They could at least tell us if it is safe to put items in all those blank spots or not. Do we need to keep them empty so they can (maybe) restore them easier?

Talk to us!


That’s the hope, isn’t it? After every maintenance those of us with now empty guild banks wait with baited breath to see if our stuff has been returned. But every time it hasn’t. I mean, it has to at some point, yes?

One of my private guild banks is missing a TON of stuff, one is untouched and one more is missing maybe half of the bank contents. The stuff that’s missing represents years of collecting and it would take years to replace, if it can be replaced that is.


i wonder why no one as a content creator talked about this as is a really big issue… this needs more visibility


Yeah, I read some people lost items from Vanilla that are no longer in the game. How is Bliz going to replace those? I mean it has to still be in the database somewhere, right?


Maybe, but this is a very old game with newer code piled on top of older code mixed in with more code and things get scrambled. It’s possible they just don’t have the old records anymore.


For realz! It isn’t even discussed on Wowhead.
I feel some shenanigans going on behind the scenes to keep this brushed under the rug.


I would not add things to your GB. Mixing up “lost items” and “new items” may make things even worse. Just my .02 cents.


I was pretty perplexed by this too. But now that I’ve been thinking about it, most (to my knowledge) wow news sites and wow-centric streamers/content creators have a good working relationship with wow. I don’t think its wild to speculate that their contacts within Blizzard would send a little message/memo saying “Hey, there’s this little issue we’re working on, do us a big favor and just don’t highlight this right now.” or something similar. I imagine anyone who makes a living from wow content is going to want to stay on Blizz’s good side.

Then if we want to talk from a “journalistic” angle, since there’s no real quotes from Blue’s (besides a vague acknowledgement that downplays everything) to use, all they would have is our word. Even if we have before and after screenshots (which most people don’t), the logs don’t work, so I can’t prove I didn’t take things out myself.

Not that I think that’s a good reason not to report on stuff, it’s just the only things I can think of to explain why this isn’t getting “major media” traction. I certainly don’t believe that the writers at wowhead aren’t aware of these threads. :woman_shrugging:t3:


They can restore everything back on different servers to right before they were lost to determine who had what. Should be a fairly straight forward process (though not fun or quick).


totally agree, but im sure there are some outlaw streamers that doesnt mind to spill the beans with this… the question is… why is not happening… :confused:


I know, not even kidding I’ve contemplated “donating” to someone to just like, have a segment about this. Every single person who plays this game should care about this. The responses that are like “meh all I had was some old mats I was going to clean out anyway” are missing the point. If Blizzard can ignore this and get away with it, nothing is safe. Maybe it didn’t affect YOU this time, but this is a precedent we’re setting. If items can evaporate without consequence then what’s the point in playing anymore? Maybe next expac my mounts will be gone. Maybe after that current raid gear will “poof” right off your character. We as a whole cannot let this just get swept under the rug.


Yeah I hope we get a resolution soon because this is getting ridiculous.


I really hope so given its been over 3 weeks already now with nothing beyond the “We are aware” support article and not even an update since.

We really need:

  1. A confirmation that the ‘leak’ has been stopped.
  2. Confirmation that we can (or cannot) resume using the guild banks with no risk of preventing the restoration of missing items
  3. Regular communication (at least once a week) that the issue is being worked on
  4. (Not expecting this one but…) An ETA to recovery even if it’s something like it will be at least X days/weeks
  5. If the items are truly lost and will not be recovered. Stating such officially and providing adequate compensation (which is likely not possible to be fair)

Going into a new expansion with a guild bank that cannot be trusted with storage is really, really hard. I have been auctioning the mats and stuff I come across rather than saving it for alts because of lack of storage space, and even that was hard because of the AH issues lately.

Ok, I’m starting to understand why there’s so much maintenance with this expansion.