Dalaran destroyed? What's the count now?

No not ever again Blizzard has proved they can never do faction wars right, BFA should of been the Horde on the defensive against an aggressive Alliance that still blamed them for the death of Varian and was led to believe by Genn that Sylvanas shot first in Stormheim. Instead we got Garrosh 2.0 with Blizzard butchering Sylvanas’ character and just retconning or outright ignoring previously established like somehow went from this

To this

Well Blizzard was gonna do that in BFA 8.1 but Alliance players weren’t too happy about it and it was changed so don’t get your hopes up.

Easiest way to make everyone happy is make the players neutral regardless of race and have the factions go at each other.

We are nothing but mercenaries after all.

what kind of groceries? thats the real question here.

You really like making a lot of threads about the same topic, don’t you?


World of Adventurecraft! Or just go with World of Dungeoncraft.

The human heritage armor quest is about dealing with a corrupt noble who got spanked when Anduin became king. It’d be cool to see more of those, but I wouldn’t hold my breath since it is the theme of the heritage quest.

But hey, maybe everyone can get in on the human plotline stuff just like the Worgen!

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Nah, would rather have a profession making macramé and soaps. Maybe we can make candles for kobolds to make up for all that candle-taking. Wait, wait, hear me out! Paper mache!

(Some people just not happy if they ain’t got someone to hate, eh?)

I do really want to see more about this. It looked like they were setting up some interesting Stormwind political intrigue. But who knows?

we always were :smirk:

This is far more interesting to me than Me Faction hate You Faction.

It hasn’t been “World” of Warcraft in a long time, imo, since probably the original trilogy, and perhaps Cataclysm, but idk about after that.

Everything is confined to a bubble, the world at whole is largely irrelevant.

“Warcraft” is debatable since the faction war is no longer a real focus. We always team up to face world-ending threats.

I guess crafting and upgrading still remains important. Aside from that, the game is really just grinding, be it endgame content, rep, or whatever.

Imo, rename the game to GrindCraft, that’s really what it’s all about.

just as a side comment to this discussion, but most PVPers are faction neutral and treat it like a sport. they only need to see red to justify PVP.

Bloodthirsty Blom at it again… Sigh…

No way, he’s perfectly positioned to become a Light-based Garrosh parallel, helping Yrel and the Lightbound invade Azeroth from Draenor.

My 500+ reply thread was just closed and unlisted lol.

WTB Freeze peach.

Wonder when it’ll happen here

When enough people spam false reports

I wish, just don’t see it happening in today’s blizzard offices.

Sorry but in this scenario Turalyon gets stabbed in the back by some random trash mob that used a weapon that negated his Light powers.

His ghost can come back later to give us a story arc about how he was manipulated into choosing Genn as the new High King.

but in this scenario Genn is also being manipulated by some cosmic being into causing a lot of death and even the Alliance turns against him. The reasons behind why this cosmic being is doing what they do will never be explained beyond there was some bigger cosmic threat.

This is the foundation of what could be an actual interesting expansion. Not just Horde losing territories, but Alliance as well, actual map changes.

The world has not changed since Cata, most of its races have literally gone afk for 20 years and nothing has changed, there’s plenty of room for conflict within the factions and new threats/kingdoms from Azeroth’s many other races/peoples out there…

But nope, the “bu muh old world” classic boomers doomed the world into going afk forever, now we just get islands.