And he can also be reincarnated later, The Horde will also lose a leader at the same time but he will not be reincarnated.
Blizzard doesn’t frequently update the old world since Cataclysm due to how much goes into that change. Each zone would have to be fully redone for the current expansion features as well as redoing the leveling experience of the updated zone. Or they could only work on the leveling experience, something which is not related to the current expansion and only old world leveling, in which case there’s very little point to making that change. They’ve found something of a smoother middle-ground with Silithus, Darkshore, and Arathi highlands, but at least Darkshore and Teldrassil is very much an unnatural transition, and there is a lot of instability with Silithis. Making completely separate areas and utilizing those comes with many advantages, its less maintenance work to re-tool old leveling in the new zone, none of the instability or weird Zoridormi bugs, and also it enables them to create landscapes that don’t fit well into the Eastern Kingdoms or Kalimdor as they currently stand.
Even the Hatfields and Mccoys called a truce.
Only ghost for Turalyon.
The Horde will lose a leader at some point, but he too gets to come back as a ghost and talk to somebody from time to time.
-warlords of friendship-
I thought we were reversing it?
Varian died, Voljin is being reincarnated.
After a few expansions we can give Turalyon something that suggests maybe one day in the future he’ll come back.
but we’re gonna go back to pretending he’s dead pretty much immediately after.
theres more to war than just useless faction squabbling that is about as interesting as listening to two 10 year olds fighting over the jungle gym. even without the faction nonsense to derail the narrative, there is plenty of war in warcraft to justify having it in the title, even if you want to conveniently forget it to justify your misleading narrative.
“The divide between the Horde and Alliance—in regard to gameplay mechanics, story elements, and sometimes in social aspects like faction pride—acts as the core element of the World of Warcraft experience.” -Wiki