Additional thoughts per the thread:
Heritage Quest
There ought to be a heritage quest so that we can see the world through the lens of an Alliance, non-voidy Quel’dorei. The argument that there are ‘not enough’ Alliance high elves is no longer applicable. The void elves are elves that followed Professor Umbric to the Alliance, and can also be cleansed of void. Not to mention the Silver Covenant, Quel’Danil Lodge, the elves outside of Theramore in Swamp of Sorrows, so on and so forth.
What should happen within the quest?
- Additional lore, but of course!
- New tabards: our Silver Covenant tabard is severely dated (512px texture), among another tabard that unites all high elves of the Alliance.
- New hairstyles
- New beards
- Tattoos/Face & Body Paint - The much-awaited badass markings of Farstriders and more come to life!
- Jewelry - Cool jewelry like the Sin’dorei have! Alliance high elves have heirlooms and family jewels too!
Sharing Hairstyles & Facial Hair: It would also be a major win for Alliance void elves, Alliance high elves AND Horde high/blood elves to share ALL hairstyles and facial hair. We are all of the same ancestry ultimately and all would be capable (and competent) when it comes to self-care and ancestral hairstyles.
Thank you again. This thread continues to expand with the community’s input and I am grateful for it.
Shoot me a ping should you have any feedback to add here.
Shorel’aran, friends!