Current gearing systems are not casual friendly

All it does it ensure that the content most casuals enjoy doing is very quickly not worth doing. LFR, Heroics, Unrated BG/Arenas for Conquest cap, Warfronts, even low level Mythic +'s, are very quickly worthless. A casual has to either move on to an alt, or try to push harder content when they may not have the time nor quality group members to do so (or just may not even want to).

I understand that Blizz probably thinks it helps casuals because they can more easily catch up and do harder content. For some people, especially more hardcores leveling alts, it’s nice. But if you have limited and/or unpredictable playtime and just want to do some fun group stuff, what are you supposed to do?

I’m beginning to feel like I don’t want to catch up to anyone. I just want them to slow down so I actually feel rewarded for doing random BGs and low M+'s again. I don’t have the time to commit to harder content like I used to, so I’d like the time I do have to be worthwhile.


Why should there be any expectation that playing the game casually will put you in the same league as dedicated players?


Where did I say I wanted that? I specifically said gearing should slow down so it’s earned at a slower pace. I want to be able to do the above-mentioned content and actually get gear I need. Instead, I too easily outgear it and it’s not even worth doing.


What… As a casual you don’t like massive amounts of gear being thrown at you from every corner of Azeroth? Fancy that…


Harder dungeon and PvP content doesn’t actually take significantly longer than the lower difficulty versions. Sometimes it’s even faster.

Only raiding takes longer, and in the case of pugging (or casual probably-normal-mode guild runs in some cases), you can drop in and out as needed anyway. Raiding is very unrewarding in general right now anyway compared to other content.

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Ah, I understand now. I didn’t really understand what your objection was in your original post. That’s a fair objection.


I am causal-ish, my wife would argue otherwise, but she isn’t here at the moment.

I find BFA very casual friendly. I don’t do dungeons I can’t solo. I don’t do raids I can’t solo. Yet my gear is far better than anything I would get in prior expansions doing questing and WQ quests (dailies in Wod and back). Sure it isn’t the best of the best, but it shouldn’t be and more importantly serves my needs.


Read more than the title. OP isn’t complaining that it’s not easy enough for casuals to get gear, they’re complaining that it’s TOO easy and it undermines the level of content they actually want to participate in as a casual player. Too many freebies make anything but Mythic+4 / Normal Raiding and higher irrelevant very quickly.

(And even then Normal Raiding is questionable since there are free 385s from timewalking and AOO + free 400s from Mythic0s and Darkshore Warfront and Ivus. Mythic+4 is only relevant because it cuts out the 385s by rewarding 390 on Tuesday, Mythic+ doesn’t do that at a base level until +7).


I do agree that the gear I can get is pretty darn good for being a casual player. No argument there. What I do wish though, is there was a way to be able to save up for something nicer at a decent pace. There use to be badges you could get and with some time you’d be able to get 2-3 decent pieces. It would never put you on par with hardcore raiders and it was never meant to.
Now the only thing we have is Titan Residuum. Sure, you can save up for a decent piece, but as a casual player the amount of time to actually get even a 400 piece, let alone a 415, is astronomical. This was basically put in place for raiders to have a chance to optimize their traits but it leaves the casual player in the dust. By the time I can save up to get even a 400 piece, the next raid tier will probably be out.
I don’t want raid level loot thrown at me. I Just want the chance to be able to save up and within a reasonable time frame, be able to get 2 or 3 ‘better’ pieces. Not a full set. Not every slot. Just something to work for within reach.


they should stop with this idea of “play the patch, not the expansion” and that catch up gear they add every patch.

Catch up gear should be done by professions, where the player could do it or buy it. This gear would have a max ilvl of normal raid, with a bop upgrade to hc ilvl raid if the player is doing it.

No warforged or titanforged, the gear should have a valor point upgrade, similar we had in the end of wod

No 30 ilvl upgrade every single patch, 15 ilvl should be enought, and it’s not necessary upgrade the ilvl gear from the dgs, make it fixed.

LFR is a problem too, the gear should have the same ilvl of a mythic dg, in all LFR, not just the first. So, in BFA we should have:

Season one: Normal dg 310 ilvl, HC dg 325 ilvl, mythic dg 340, lfr 340 ilvl, N raid 355 ilvl, HC raid 370 and Mythic raid 385 ilvl, profession gear 355 ilvl (BOE) and 370 ilvl (BOP, material acquired in raid)

Season 2: Normal dg 310 ilvl, HC dg 325 ilvl, mythic dg 340, lfr 340 ilvl, N raid 370 ilvl, HC raid 385 and Mythic raid 400 ilvl, profession gear 370 ilvl (BOE) and 385 ilvl (BOP, material acquired in raid)

M+ would have a cap of HC gear from the highest season key (season 1 +10, season +15, season +20…), no gear should have higher ilvl than a Mythic raid gear


Why? I’m not being a jerk, I promise. What I want to know though is if the gear you have is sufficient for the content you’re doing why do you need to chase the ilevel? 400 is raid level loot btw. That’s what drops in heroic.


That sort of proves my point. You shouldn’t get such good gear from soloing and certainly not so quickly and easily. Why do any group content if you don’t need to? Or if you do the group content, you too quickly outgear it. So what’s a casual to do at that point?


Can we get an updated definition for “casual”?


You should probably add this paragraph to your OP. Your OP sounds like you’re whining about not being able to access heroic raiding and above because you lack time.

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So you want people slowed down to your play style… Looks like you have some personal choices to make.


It’s gonna vary from person to person, tbh.

  1. A player who has limited time to play, but otherwise may be interested in playing harder content when they can and min-maxing their performance as much as any “hardcore” player.

  2. A player who doesn’t want to deal with the stress from harder content (whether it stems from the content itself or the people running it), usually cutting off at the point where you can’t queue into the content.

  3. A player who is plainly bad at the game, but has no issues with that fact and just has fun doing what they can do. This one is has a gigantic range depending on the individual.

Those are the 3 versions I can think of.


Casuals don’t need gear. Only people who no-life the game should have an easy time with world content. Casuals should cower in cities.


Oh I agree fully. Its why I wanted to know what sorta “casual” player is being referenced here, as that has an impact on whether or not the current gearing system is casual friendly or not.


Are you casual because you have very limited time? Current gearing system is probably great.

Are you causal because you can’t (schedule or family or whatever) or don’t want to raid and play at specific times, yet you still pump many hours into the game? I can see why you would get bored with the current gearing system, but to be fair, how long should easier content remain rewarding for?

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You should do content that you want to do. Simply because you want to do it.