Current gearing systems are not casual friendly

Many of us agree that content and gearing should be relevant again.


I missed your point initially. You are right. There really isnā€™t any incentive to do group content beyond a quick group up for a world boss.

Yeah, I missed the point completely.

Totally disagree.

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Totally agree - they have a progression issue that the process to get gear doesnā€™t gell with the difficulty.

As a casual player myself, I find at this time that M+7 is about what I can do with my guild and our time commitment. But Iā€™m already at the stage where I wonā€™t get upgrades for a vast majority of my runs - and I havenā€™t for three weeks already. And even more challenging is that casual means we have 397 geared and 345 geared in the same group very often - peopleā€™s time is not the same, and we do our best to deal with it.

But +10 is totally out of reach - not even close - for our group. So we will all end up sort of stuck around +7. But then again, we stop doing M+ when we get a Kingā€™s Rest +7 (instead of say a Motherload/Freehold/Atal/Seth/WC+7 - which are significantly different in difficulty, KR is seriously overtuned) and last week we had ALL SEVEN of our M+ players with that keyā€¦ and no ability in the game to change it without having to suffer through a dungeon we donā€™t want to play again after the last time which was nearly 4 hours long (for real).

imo the inability to delete keys has really put a hurt on season 2 - very bad hurt - and it will be a reason people quit.


this is a crap post and is part of the problem. When this game was in its prime, casual players sat around in orgrimmar rocking blues and greens bc that was the best they could do, and with all casual players in blues and greens it was more fun for the dedicated players to swag on them in purples because they played the game more.

as a casual player, you can do a 30 minute warfront and titanforge a mythic raid quality piece of gear. wtf are you talking about ā€œnot worth doingā€

there is definitely a very low amount of rewarding world content but in terms of getting item level its never been easier for casual players.


Youā€™ve reminded me of our run through Kingā€™s Rest +8 early on in BfA. It was Fortified/Teeming IIRC. We were a bit undergeared for it (especially since the trash there is brutal already and they hadnā€™t nerfed it yet), but figured weā€™d knock it out for the higher gear on Tuesday.

It turned into an impromptu raid night.

We had 200 or 300 deaths, I canā€™t remember now and I no longer have the screenshot, and similar to you were there for like 3.5-4 hours. We had to have DPS kite some of the trash in the 2nd half like mad. The one pack before the council boss was freaking ridiculous, we ended up skipping it to do the boss, but then decided we needed it anyway afterward. Had one guy kiting a brute in the boss arena, used Earth Elemental to help the tank and Hero to burn down berserkers 1 by 1, I think the tank still died so I had to kite Brute #2 up and down the hall for a bit, the guy kiting in the boss room died a handful of times during this but respawned in there so he could just taunt back, then the shadow of Zul thing was just gutting our tank because magic damage + DH = not great so we kited that back to the respawn room too.

Then we had to 2 heal the last boss to kill it. (although thatā€™s something we still have to do occasionally. Had to do it for the first and last boss in Tol Dagor last week because Grievous and we werenā€™t living.)


Youā€™re agreeing with the OP.

Just sayin.


Why? Why would I not want to be able to still progress my character within the confines of my playstyle/time? If I have time to jump on for 15 minutes, Iā€™d rather be able to do 6 wqā€™s rather than just 5, or even 4. Iā€™d rather be able to do that invasion 5 minutes faster so maybe I can do it on another alt. Better gear, even for a casual player, means being able to do more, even if it is just more casual content on alts.


I semi get this complaint. I had a hunter who was 352 at the end of uldir. In 1 week of S2 Iā€™m now 393 on him and looking for heroic groups to pug with on him.

I was a tad surprised how fast I geared up to be ready for heroic BoD. I enjoy the harder content but it did seem like after that week it was like ā€œHuh, guess Iā€™m done with low keys and normal.ā€


They literally throw gear at usā€¦ Iā€™ve passively geared 6 other toons with next to no effort while focusing two mains


Which is precisely the complaint, yes.

For those players who do not engage in M+ or Raiding, the game has become significantly less rewarding significantly faster.

Where, previously, it could take a week or two (or a month or so way back when) to get geared up when you hit max, it now takes days. Once youā€™ve exhausted the progression available to you, youā€™re out of things to do.

Itā€™s not a matter of continuing to put higher and higher gear into the hands of casuals, but rather to keep their progression between ā€œDing Max!ā€ to ā€œNo more casual progressionā€ relevant for longer.

Itā€™s very popular to ask why casuals want gear, or why casual content should have any rewarding progression, but the according to prior expansion statistics more than half of the population didnā€™t raid at any reasonable (above LFR) level. If that remains true, and I see little reason to believe itā€™s changed, it means that half of the players now have an unrewarding end game experience that caps out within a week or two.

Thatā€™s not good for the overall social health of the game.


Nice Chetal - that was EPIC. Iā€™ve found that those can be the most fun times, but they also lead to less future play. People donā€™t want to risk a 4 hour marathon when they want a 45 min dungeon crawl.

Are you kidding? Itā€™s easier now to get gear than it ever has been. There are so many different ways to Gear Up the game is more casual friendly than it ever has been. The only thing you really have to deal with is RNG which sucks sometimes but itā€™s still not that hard to get properly geared. Iā€™m not good on this tune because I havenā€™t been trying I just recently got a new computer and I havenā€™t had a lot of time old one was the poop LOL

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myself Im not having any trouble getting gear on the characters Im trying to other than the blasted shoulders that seems to not want to drop at all on anything in BfA.
I got from 240ish to 340ish in a few hours of running dungeons and buying a couple items on the AH cheap.
I dont intend on gong much higher on my ilvl, but if 340 is the goal it seems to happen pretty quickly

Yes it is. But you can now get to 390 pretty quickly and thenā€¦ it wonā€™t be easy to progress from there. The complaint isnā€™t hat itā€™s too slow to get to 390, itā€™s that itā€™s too fast and then you run out of progression things you can reasonably do and nearly all of the game content is irrelevant except for M+ and then you need to be rolling M+10s all the time (and really only that).


In all my years of playing WoW (started in 2005) itā€™s gotten progressively easier to gear up with each new expansion.

BfA is no exception, itā€™s literally raining gear in comparison to vanilla where getting a basic Epic item was a struggle.


So itā€™s not casual friendly because theyā€™re throwing gear at your too fast?


We were able to go through the content way too fast. By this time in Legion we were getting into, or finishing Suramar. And then the Broken Shore opened along with PF2. I just donā€™t remember being out of things to do in Leigon, it had a good flow. Maybe because they time gated Suramar.
This expansion, my main has been out of open world ā€œcasualā€ content for some time. We need moreā€¦


The op is saying that in a very short amount of time they have reached the limit of what their style of play can offer.

I can agree with that. For example one of my alts went from 280ilvl to 370ilvl in one night. Thats just nonsense. For a solo player they are nearly at their gear cap.
And thats with just a few hours of play at 120.

Wf/tf and high ilvl loot from trivial/solo/afkable content needs to be reigned in. Or said content should be made to take longer/be more challenging/slower gains. Something.