I think FOTM and Cookie Cutter should not influence game design going forward

It’s one thing to disagree, it’s another to stand by being rude.

I mean they could just make it nigh-impossible for people to be bad. They could front load your damage to like 3 or four abilities that have a set rotation, and as long as you keep pressing those 3 or 4 buttons you’ll do enough damage to make it through most content. But Blizz would never ever do such a thing. I mean, of they did player would probably say something like, “classes are too boring,” or “there’s too much homogenization.”

Yes. Its very rude to make up things about people. Since you haven’t shown me where I insulted you for merely asking for harder queue-able content…is this what I should conclude?

Just as you are about me.

There’s no reasoning with you. You won’t apologize. You committed the act first.

What do you feel I made up about you?

To begin.

  1. Troll or out of touch.

When you make statements such as “WoW is hard content or die”, that is accurate. because WoW is not “hard content or die”. I am not sure theres been a time period that offered more casual / easier content options for great rewards.

Play with friends if you don’t want strangers to expect you to meet expectations.

Well, I can recognize a master in the art of debating without attempting to present not even a half-baked argument nor even attempting to provide reasoning.

If you are certain of your position, state WHY casuals should be interested in gear. Beyond the functional reasoning I provided, of course.

I’d rather those be more popular/advertised.

You didn’t apologize. That point stands.

I’m going to bed.

Did you read any of the benthic gear threads? They were filled with people claiming to be casuals stating that casuals deserve great gear also.

Your entire argument is based on making things up, and speaking for the entire casual playerbase.

How are things like WQs, LFR, and Warfronts not advertised enough?

I dont feel the need to apologize because you made a factually wrong statement and I called you out on it.

The whole point of it is the timer, you can still get loot if you don’t make the timer.

Remove titanforging and add depth back to professions and enchants/gems, start dialing classes back to how they worked in MoP, you’ll start seeing the game improve real fast.

That point still stands then.

Until then, you cannot be reasoned with.

Just… wow…

The game has never been less “Raid or Die” than it’s now, in fact it has actually gone too far in the opposite direction where everyone can get Heroic Raid level gear for free.

Cookie-cutter or “meta” will always exist as long as there options to choose from and challenging content where that choice matters, none of which can nor should be removed.

Sure there are better classes and balance hasn’t been all that great this expac, but also players over-react about it too much. Nothing against demanding better balancing that’s fine, but that only really becomes a big factor on very high keys and cutting-edge raiding, for everything else you can do totally fine with whatever.

In fact I remember doing a +11 Temple back in S2 with 3 feral druid DPSers, an under-geared tank (well relatively under-geared) and me healing as Disc (which is kind of a pain in the last boss), it was a pug so not like we were super coordinated or anything, still absolutely no issues 2 chesting it. I mean sure it’s not a “high” key but it’s already at the maximum reward from your M+ cache level.

I can’t be reasoned with because I disagree with your hilariously wrong statements?

Why should I care what is in another thread? You’re not even attempting to provide a link to such a thread as supporting evidence.

You’re also assuming those speaking there are speaking for the masses just the same.

The only thing that matters is the argument YOU present.
Not someone else’s reasoning elsewhere.

Show me your reasoning.
Right here, right now.

Or to put it more simply:

Put up or shut up, Mr. Akston.

Are you asking me to link you threads were people claiming to be casual are wanting gear?

I just want to make sure I am on the same page.

No, I want you to write an essay and dissertation in this very thread.
Linking other threads would be the easy way out, though could make for compelling supporting evidence.

Yeah, that isn’t going to happen. Because any essay you or I write is completely worthless for this conversation.

I stated that casual people care about gear. I can find examples of casual people caring about gear. This is most easily done by showing you casual people caring about gear.

No essays or dissertations are required.

I mean, I could write one like you did that is based around making up statements about a huge section of the playerbase. But anyone that thinks about it for half a second would see how wrong and worthless that is, and has no place in this discussion.

Furthermore. My reasoning is based on observational activities. It is based on actually seeing casual players care about gear.

Apparently factual examples of the very topic we are talking about is not worth much.

Searched for “casual gear” and this was the girst thread. Many more follow. Casuals absolutely care about gear and there’s usually a Taliesin storm that follows.