Is this really how to fix professions?

That’s why everyone does herbalism and alchemy because professions are so good…no they’re not, not even by a long shot. I’ve been an enchanter tailor for over ten years now, and even they suck. I haven’t even bothered leveling ether, i sometimes sell enchanting mats, and I just sell the mats that I get from scrapping now instead of actually tailoring anything. I make more gold off of my bags from WoD.


All crafting professions give you the opportunity to make Mythic Raid quality gear, relatively easily. You’re talking to a herb/scribe, if anyone gets screwed over the most it’s us. We didn’t get fancy new ilvls for our trinkets. It’s still as good as a profession SHOULD be, for MOST professions. I do completely agree Tailors new bags should have been the best ones. At least tied with the crazy stupid expensive Legion vendor ones.

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I was not aware professions were broken. I don’t think they need fixing. This is just a nice flavor thing. If you don’t like it, don’t do it. Pretty simple, really.

To the OP and all who have strong feelings against the current professions; what exactly is wrong with professions? Please enlighten me.

I thought I covered it pretty well in the original post, to be honest.

Quick rehash: Crafting professions should offer real, cutting-edge rewards for leveling up (if the leveling is going to be overly expensive and/or time-consuming). Failing that, they should offer gear that could be crafted cheaply for the purpose of gearing alts. And you should be able to pick the stats, instead of getting stuck in RNG hell and wasting pieces left and right.

I don’t consider professions “flavor” because there was a time they weren’t, and those times were superior to these times. Right now there really isn’t a reason to level a crafting spec, because none are relevant at end game. If BfA has a objectively clear theme, it is the expansion of the gold sink, and that’s what professions have become (either that, or you spend an inordinate amount of your playtime gathering mats). This all plays into a developmental strategy of trying to get people to play more (thereby to collect more) but this is WoW, not Farmville.

In earlier versions of this game, what you did for a profession was almost as much a part of who your character was as the class and spec. Especially engineering, due to the cool (albeit sometimes malfunctioning) gadgetry you could make, and it was known as “the expensive profession” due to mat counts. Now, every profession is expensive, and the rewards are mostly crap.

As a ret paladin, I took great pride in leveling my blacksmithing as I leveled, particularly creating for myself weapons that rivaled drops. My transmog set you see here is the Dark Iron set and all of the pieces were made from dark iron ore I mined up myself, traveled into BRD to smelt and work on the hammer there. In addition to this toon, I had a Titan’s Grip fury warrior wielding two Dark Iron Pulverizer maces that this toon made, and anyone who ever ran into a PVP warrior using two of those knows what that meant.

Professions were a way to fill gaps left by bad drop luck RNG without being prohibitively expensive. That’s no longer the case. The changes are part of a greater problem, with Blizzard purposefully targeting convenience items and/or user-created items for elimination or severe nerfs to usefulness. I consider that bad game design.

Hope that was clear enough.


Nonsense. The professions are in a terrible shape. There’s no longer any flavor, or substance to any of the professions. Even gathering has been turned a dull, boring tedium. Crafting is nothing like it used to be, and it could barely be worse than it is now.


I think a better idea is to have crafted gear have a base level and then have widgets drop from the various raid/dungeon tiers and have those widgets allow you to upgrade crafted gear to the level of your participation. i.e if you get a widget from LFR you can add 15 ilevels (as an example) to a piece of crafted gear. If you do mythic raiding your widget could upgrade a piece of gear by 30 levels or whatever.

That way crafting remains relevant throughout the expansion and if you keep the drop rates for the widgets low enough players will use them sparingly to upgrade just a few pieces so the raid/dungeon gear isn’t made irrelevant as well.

At most you can have 3 pieces of crafted gear. Gloves and Pants from tailoring/leatherworking/blacksmithing, and one of the following 3 options engineering helm/JC ring/Alchemy Trinket.

All of those can be upgraded to 415 already, and use mats that drop in those raids, (except the 385 version which drops from normal mythics and sometimes from heroic, a bit of a jump in ilvl there) So basically that’s exactly what you’re suggesting.

I feel the bop mats are fine, but some recipes go a little too far with the amount needed.

What is not fine to me is having the armor pieces bop. It would have been awesome to see these boe. It would have brought new life into the game for me as then i would be busy farming mythics or raids more.

Upgrading my gear on all my alts is not gonna happen but if you add in that i can make gold out it? I’m all in.

Other than that i’ve made over 5 million so far in profit with these professions in BFA… as i have all of them maxed on multiple alts.

One thing that bothered me was the making of the 310 recipes which i grinded all the marks for (for rank 3) THEN they made 340 recipes which totally wasted my time as the 310 ones are now useless. You should have not gotten the 340 ones unless you had rank 3 in the 310 ones imo… or something along those lines.

Can someone please link these changes that are happening?

I see this however…

They should have done something similar to this

They can make PvP gear now. Also, I don’t understand why you think this would do anything special.

They already indicated they were thinking about doing the ‘master’ blacksmith idea so that one isn’t anything original.

No to more than 2 professions. That just makes no sense with the amount of extra characters people are getting from allied races. Already people are asking for more professions, your idea would just compound the problem.

They already indicated numerous times they aren’t going to let people craft a full set of raid gear.

They already also indicated they are doing the upgrade business for gear in the last tier.

And catchup gear from professions would cause all sorts of complaints because that would mean a returning player would have to level up their profession or buy gear right away when they came back - both of those would cause issues for some players.

laughs and then starts eventually crying as I’m a tailor and enchanter

Professions, to me, have become more of an annoyance than something interesting to max out and play with. They’ve made them ever more difficult to max out. The stuff you make to max it out is useless. The stuff you make when you are maxed out (prior to additions like this) is stuff you’ve already outgeared for the most part.

There’s no interest in it. If they made transmog sets or something at the end of it there might be something more interesting to do, but honestly I’m not into transmog either so that would bypass me.

The straw for me was Nomi last expansion. Cooking? Really? Why make it that difficult?

Professions are a little side thing unless they try and make BiS stuff through professions be interesting. Little side things shouldn’t be a sadistic trek through the game.


Or they could play the game, doing some mythic dgs, than normal raid from old seasons to catch up those who play the game since the beginning…gear shouldn’t be handled for doing nothing, gear from emissaries show be rare, not free, thats why they need to increase so much the ilvl

You are derailing this thread now.

I gave up on professions during legion.

My alts had previously been my Profession support staff for this character, and even on this, for the first time, I didn’t bother with leveling any professions. With the changes they made in legion they essentially made my alts useless for that purpose so I didn’t play them at all which meant that I played a lot less overall.

Of course then I just quit completely for two years, but that’s another story.

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BFA = " operation Band-Aid ".

I think we will see things just slapped into area’s that need major improvement, I don’t think they have time to do what they want and stay on track with expansion.


It’s not RNG it’s just useless since the items you need to make the BOP things are also BOP. By the time you can get enough to make something you’re sure to out level it. If we could at least sell it or send it to alts it would almost make crafting palatable. As it stands my non gathering, non enchanter are solely leveling through the DM faire quests, just like in legion.

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My point is that the mats weren’t RNG, as was stated under the assumption.

And out level it? I used both 400 and 415 version of the trinket without outleveling it.

If crafted items weren’t BoP, then they’d have to do what they did in WoD. with a 2 or 3 crafting equip item limit.

They can? Where?


Think. If you could do more professions on one toon, you would not need to make a lot of extra alts in order to cover all the professions. I wouldn’t object to more professions, I just see no reason why our characters can’t do more than 2. In ESO for example, you can do EVERY profession on one character if you so choose. Its all about choice really, letting us have a bit extra would be nice.

What I am doing is offering ideas. I frankly don’t care if they have said they aren’t doing something X number of times. That does not mean that the option cannot be considered. (They said they weren’t giving us flight in WoD and they changed their minds about that, they said they were going to institute a system on the forums where your real name was displayed and they scrapped that. They do change their minds if they feel there is sufficient reason to do so.)

Cannot agree more, the days when we were able to craft items for other people, trading the materials for them, were the best times for all crafting professions.