[CS Lounge] Summer time sunny days

I hope you reported it as a bug, because it sounds like it is. Once a char has unlocked a currency it should stay on there with a tally of 0 if it is zero.


Oh I will be.


hmmā€¦ iā€™ve got some which iā€™ve taken the currency to zero, and it still shows on that character as an option.

are you seeing it with all, or only specific currencies?

oopsā€¦ my bad, i stopped reading too soon :stuck_out_tongue:

actually, for this currency, i donā€™t mind.
i donā€™t want to see ancient unspendable currency hanging out on all my characters!!

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The ring base and the created items will all ā€œstoreā€ in your Warbound bank. You can choose which character to do it on that way,


Oh I know ā€¦ I just like to do stuff on Kyzera.

All I had to do was pop into the portal and grab some more currency. Of course that was after I rezzed and popped an invis pot. TYVM to the Ally camping the portal, lol.

Also, it helped me learn that this issue existed.

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You could have bought it on an alt, put it in the bank, retrieve it on Kyzera, make the heirloom ring.

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Yes ā€¦ I know. But like I said, doing it the way I did let me find out that zeroing out the currency would remove the listing in the currency pane. So it all worked out for the good.

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Had a great time on our camping expedition over the weekend. Perfect weather - mid 70s for highs, mid 60s at night. And no clouds until Sunday morning. So Iā€™m a little cooked. The lake water was a perfect 65, so we definitely spent time in the water.

Now, a day off to get everything back to normal, then back to work tomorrow.


That sounds so idyllic! Lucky you. Also, food tastes somehow much better when camping than it does any other time. Esp after a lot of hiking, swimming, boating, etc. Glad you had a great time and even have a day off to do laundry and relax.

Sun here today and over 90 butā€¦not raining or flooding. I think we get rain the rest of the week. Goals today:

  • MOW LAWN before it takes over my house. I did it a week or so ago but with the heat and rain it went crazy.
  • Tackle some indoor painting I guess.
  • Round up trash and recycling to put out tonight
  • Find something to batch cook? IDK. I am totally uninspired and I donā€™t want to go shopping even though I need to pick up my meds from the pharmacy. I should probably do it today so I donā€™t have to do it in the rain later this week. Blah.

At least the garden has two nice cucumbers almost ready for me!


put the fan on my dog and my dog looks so stunned and bewildered


The amount of jumping around to try to find out if I did the heritage armor for my Nightborne before I used the gear upgradeā€¦

And then remembered I can just check on Wowhead. Oi.


Hey Mirasol, did you happen to get this monthā€™s Trading Post reward? The target on your back with the arrows sticking out? You sure seem to be attracting some real haters today. Or maybe I should rephrase that to not very nice people. :dart:

I picked 2 more bowls of cherry tomatoes and a few of the large ones that were still somewhat orange. Storms are coming later and once they start to turn color they will split if they get a lot of water.


You missed the removed threads I think. I also suspect there are some posts I have not seen yet. I do have the reward though!

People donā€™t really like being given the current factual information when it does not match their viral internet media opinion.


Iā€™ve been slicing them thin and splashing them with seasoned rice vinegar for a cool crisp salad.


6 hours later I have 2 clean and dried Siberian huskies. They love their bath time and behave so well for it. They know if they misbehave they get tied up for the next one.


Im probably gona get disowned for this lol im gona take a photo of my moms phone then when she goes out im gona txt her a pic of her phone and tell her she left it at home when she realy has it.


Evil DW, pure Evil. I like your style.


I had someone text me once saying they lost their phone and if I could call it so he could find it. Of course, I called him. :man_facepalming:


I think forum moderation is not supposed to be discussed in this particular thread.

Alsoā€¦ hereā€™s a hilarious horse video:

It depends on the moderation vraks been known to shed a little light here and there.