[CS Lounge] Summer time sunny days

I hope you bought the diving suit from the Trading Post. You will need it. :eyes:



That is one heck of a lot of rain!!!


It keeps going further north from me so I am happy!

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IKR :diving_mask:

One thing I should have noticed about this area when we looked at the house … how are all these lakes full.

I was super into checking all the natural disaster risks before I bought my house. Also thinking of the three little pigs fable.

I STILL might end up dead from something, but unlikely to flood, have a major earthquake, have a tsunami, have a forest fire, or have a tornado.

Fires are not that common here, I am not in any flood zone, even with climate change, we don’t have major earthquakes here, not near the ocean, not in tornado alley, not south where hurricanes are more likely to hit.

I also bought a house that is cinderblock and stucco built in 1947. It is solid as hell and mostly fire resistant, esp on the outside. The basement does seep - but it has french drains that drain via gravity out to the main sewer line. So even with power out during a hurricane my basement won’t have standing water in it. This has been tested a few times since I lived here.

My parents have intentionally only bought land on top of hills and built houses on those. Might get hit by lightening, but they won’t flood. heh.

Hopefully we are all safe through this next round of storms.


Blow that rain over here please. I’m sure Seenah will enjoy it as it passes over too.

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That is a hell of a lot of rain. Seeing those numbers reminds me of Lismore floods a couple of years ago.

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It is a tropical storm now and expected to move up to hurricane status before making landfall in Florida. Then it will move over us in south Georgia before heading out to the Atlantic. It is about to get very wet down here.

Click for current rain forecast


That would be nice to have around here, but with all that peat in the Swamp once fire gets a hold in there it takes forever for it to end.

I would like to have a way to stop my pole barn from flooding all the time.

That is how it was where we used to live. The house was up on a sand hill bluff kind of area. The dirt roads they cut out for the area would channel all the rainwater out to the highway.

But now we live even closer to the Swamp and this land is a lot lower than where we lived before buying this house.

Having a dog named Shark at the beach was a mistake! But a great laugh.


Well, stay safe and hope that it doesn’t get any worse there.



Wishing safe passage of this storm for all involved.


Well thats one way to lose a medal poor matt highton…

The next 2 day consists of packing and washing dogs. Yes it’s that time again for the Edmonton Kennel Club dog show. 5 days of dogs and “great weather”. Down at the white mud equine learning center, for those in and around Edmonton that wanna check out a dog show. I will be showing my 2 Siberians, 3 Lhasa Apso’s, and possibly 2 Karelian bear dogs. Gonna be a busy weekend next weekend.


Okay, lesson learned. Do not zero out a character’s tradeable currency. Very hard to ever request more on that alt if they don’t have any listed in the tab.

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Hope you all having a great evening!

Heatwave is finally going to subside here where I live tomorrow again. Just finished moving to a new place from earlier this week as well.

Going to go see Twisters tonight with one of my friends too in about an hour from now.

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Really? I will keep that in mind. I am the sort to consolidate currency in one place but I have not done it yet. Never figured it would be an issue.


Earlier I was consolidating the Residual Memories from the event to get some gear on an alt and then went back to Kyzera later to request the 25 I needed to purchase the ring (that becomes an heirloom) but she didn’t have a listing in the currency pane any longer because she didn’t have any of the Residual Memories.

It was surprising because previously empty currencies would still retain a listing.