[CS LOUNGE] Shadowstepping into the Shadowlands

I may have found the answer for you. Not the Lucid Nightmare, but a similarly coloured mount from Shadowlands.


Burgers for dinner tonight, homemade though.


I’m doing bacon wrapped, marinated steak strips. A little soy sauce, salsa verde, some garlic, salt and pepper. Marinate for a while, wrap with bacon, and I think I’ll throw these on the grill today (I usually just put them under the broiler). Served with some fries, should be awesome.


Me too! They’re almost ready!


Someone in a guild discord did bacon-wrapped asparagus.

Of all amusing things, my youngest and spouse have security cameras inside the house - to check in on the pets when they’re out.

Hmm, so Ancestry has updated my DNA ethnicity estimates again. Turns out I am mostly Scottish. That was interesting. Every so often as they collect more data, they are able to refine their estimates even more. They have great resources for genealogy, just wish it didn’t cost so much. But my daughter-in-law is a genealogist, so that helps a lot with trying to fill in gaps in my tree.

My DNA results

The NW Europe section includes Switzerland, Belgium, Netherlands, & Luxembourg. The Norway section also includes Denmark & Iceland. The Cameroon, Congo, & W. Bantu Peoples section also includes: Angola, Namibia, Mozambique, Malawi, Zambia, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Gabon, & Equatorial Guinea. The Nigeria section also includes the Central African Republic.

I had a co-worker that sat in the cubicle in front of mine (we shared a wall) who had that. I’d hear “who’s a good dog?” and other good doggy lines from time to time during the day. It was always amusing.


Are you sure they were talking to the dog?

I have the “This is Fine” stuffed dog in my cube. And I may or may not talk to it.


Audrey II.

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KFC demands money KFC gets money.

Just chilling painting micro-armor while reading the forums. About half way through a platoon of German Panthers.

Gonna be making a Miso broth for lunch tomorrow for the nephew. He’s been on my case to make him miso ramen, and I have the ingredients to make it. Just need to get some bean sprouts and some spinach.

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I have come to the conclusion that my freezer is overfilled. Time to do some culling. Gonna take out the brisket and prep it for corned beef, and then take out a bunch of chicken and make a big batch of Chicken Stew. Then there are the chicken thighs, sounds like bbq time.

My fridge is in shambles too, need to do some serious cleaning there.


I have some internet going now. My landlady has both the 2.4 and 5 ghz going on her wifi. Reception is spotty for both…and I need to pick up a wifi card for my pc.
The ISP is sending her a newer modem that has better range.
The reception for my Switch is worse than my phone.

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It’s actually pretty wild just how well the DNA sites can pin some things down. My oldest child’s father was Honduran, while my other two’s father was Nicaraguan, and 23andMe pinpointed both of them with no entry from me. My side, broadly, is British and Irish (47%), German (21%), and Swedish (15%). I do have one line traced back to the Scottish Campbell Clan, but 23andMe doesn’t seem to differentiate Scotland and Wales from Britain.

Main reason I don’t use them. I use FamilySearch instead, as well as public record searches like census records.

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Hmm, so weird stuff showing up on my Forum Profile page:

The highlighted part links to this page: https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/g/b-license-145

My name appears on that list:

Despite not having the beta on launcher or an email saying I am in it, I now have access to post in the Beta forums.

I guess it is just a false flagging that popped up due to having been in previous betas.

I had the false flag on the EU forum account that I started last year after Classic launched but not on my NA forum account that had beta access for WoD and the stress tests for BfA. Really strange there.

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I tried to pre order the PS5 now that Sony finally announced the official release date, but not a single store online has any for pre ordering since everyone else but me has already done so.

Also, there are already scalpers taking advantage of the PS5 shortage just like it happened years ago with the PS4

Weird! I’m sure you’re right though. Kinda cool that you can click on it too!

yeah I saw this too.

The 145 license is on any account that participated in one of the last three betas. So Legion, Battle for Azeroth or Shadowlands. Beta forum access was tied to it recently to help address an issue that was preventing folks who were invited from being able to post.

The side effect being that folks with a previous beta can too.