[CS LOUNGE] Shadowstepping into the Shadowlands

Growing up an Army brat, then joining myself, I had never had the same address for more than four years. I didn’t put down roots until I was almost 30. Even now, it feels odd to think that I bought this house 19 years ago.

We’ve had a couple nice sunsets here the past two days.

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Would be nice to dig roots in. The comfort would be welcoming.


Hmph… Just noticed that not all of my characters were available on the forums. Only six were shown in the dropdown, and clicking on any of them didn’t result in the toon being switched. So I tried logging out and back in. I can switch between those six characters now, but none of them is my main.

On the upside, when I find a name I like, I milk it for all it’s worth, so there’s not likely to be any confusion about who I am. :wink:


I’m sure I don’t know what you mean :wink: :popcorn:

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Wonder if it has to do with apparent login server issues. Or possibly with the realm mergers. The toons most notably missing from the list are those on my primary realm, which is being connected tomorrow.

My computer was locking up on me and now its not when i open the launcher woot glad to see i didnt need to mess with anything still waiting on that beta invite shakes angry fist at the wow gods aka titans.

Well, the end is nigh. Pre-patch is available to start downloading on the launcher.

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low whistle

I had to double-take. 20GB, and that was after I had booted up the Launcher to check some things out on the shop with no pending download.

Not happy with Enhance Shaman in Beta, but I’ll adapt as always.

Well… that wasn’t what I wanted to read before crashing for the night.

Rest in peace, Bill Gates. Thank you for everything.

(Just to clarify, not the Gates of Microsoft fame.)

uh, wait wut?

I woke up to this this morning.

Bill Gate’s father passed. He was 94.

I have been signing up to try the bate for the Shadow Lands now for awhile now I would like to try it out to see how it is before it comes out it is so not good I get the thing appeared on my battle net saying to download the cline for bate so I did but I still cannot get on to the game

Should I be afraid?



I must fear. Jenafur is the mind-killer. Jenafur is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face Jenafur. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where Jenafur has gone there will be nothing. Only Jenafur will remain.

(With apologies to the Bene Gesserit.)


Now Jenafur thinks she’s Frostmourne.



Or perhaps Stormbringer?

Or maybe Audrey.

Sony just hit back as hard as Microsoft served, if not harder.

Game on.

I wonder if Blizzard is trying to fend off the “you gave the other side better world quests before the patch”. It seems that both the horde and alliance are the same.

My husband is off this week. He is installing security cameras. We have seen pictures of porch pirates so we thought what the heck. :movie_camera: