[CS LOUNGE] Shadowstepping into the Shadowlands

oooh, cool!

It is taking me forever to manually scroll through the list – been at it for quite a while and just now made it to the T’s.

Yea, I seen your name as I was scrolling through.

Thanks, Vrak. That would explain it. I was in the Beta for BFA.

You could have sorted by Posted and found your name near the top.

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Well, part of me likes the torture, lol. Really just wanted to see how long the list was – just for curiosity’s sake.

This is more of a moot point but i was in the BFA alpha/beta and while i can see the SL beta forums ive never been able to reply

It’s the same thing with the new Nvidia cards that just came out.
But Nvidia didn’t care about scalpers and announced the date and times ahead of time.

My 3d printer is setup and had a successful powerup. Just need to level the build plate and I am all good. Need to shop for 99% IPA and get a box or two of latex gloves and a face shield.

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/poke Kittin
/steal Minions

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Darn. it’s another involved mount search. I wanted to just be able to buy it. :rofl:



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this one is ready for pre patch


This one … is not.

So much still left to do, barely enough time in the day to do it all. Not to mention this is the first time I have felt trepidation in regards to a new expansion.

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Ugh. Tweaked something in my upper back, and am having to be very slow and careful about reaching and lifting with one arm. Took a hot shower yesterday which relaxed the area a little, but I can tell it’s going to take a while. (Hopefully it won’t take a Dr. visit.)

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I have 25 120s on my NA account and 9 currently on my EU account. I’m not sure I have enough ready for Shadowlands. I still haven’t freed up a slot for a Vulperan on my main account.

I feel for you. The arthritis in my back acted up overnight on Sept 4 causing the muscles around my ribs to spasm. They are still tender from that.

Frost advisory for tonight. :eyes:

I just ran Sunwell and Thori’dal, the Stars’ Fury dropped from Kil’jaden. Unfortunately it was on a mage - Rufflebottom-Bloodhoof(EU). It’s like my NA license where my main (a warlock) has both warglaives from BT.


Ouch. That’s rough.

I have a couple other warglaives on characters that can use them. Some have the main-hand. Some have the off-hand. Only my warlock has both.

And my EU mage is now the proud owner of the off-hand warglaive as well.

Bring it Shadowlands! I am ready! Cleared my bank vault, emptied my bags, stocked up on healing potions.

New member to the family today. Memphis is a 4 month old terrier lab mix. He is brown with white splotches on him.

Apollo is not quite sure what to make of him. Apollo has already asserted his dominance, which we expected. We actually took Apollo to the Humane Society to get the two together just in case. However, for the most part any time Apollo comes out of his crate (never locked, just HIS place) the puppy runs up to him to try to play and promptly gets ignored or growled at.

Memphis is currently in his crate to my right, as we will crate train him just like Apollo is. This means he will spend a lot of time in there for the next 30 days before he gets co run of the house for the most part. But he is being quiet and a good boy for the most part. He did pee on the carpet already though. And he is TEARING through the food haha. He needs to know that food will always be there so he does not keep destroying it.