[CS LOUNGE] Pumpkin Spice, Apple Cider, and Everything Nice

Better safe then sorry.


Welpā€¦ I have just, within the last ten minutes or so, reached the milestone of two million posts read on this character. I think embarrassment is slightly edging out pride in regards to this ā€˜achievementā€™.

I obviously need a hobby. Or a life. Probably a life.


Did blizzard ever anticipate the craze fror world first or did it surprise you guys how it took off.

Hey, quick question for everyone, before I open a ticket.

I completed the 5 Timewalking dungeons last week on an alt, but they have nothing in the Great Vault. Was the Great Vault not active until this week?

Donā€™t believe they were an option during S2. Just S3 which started today.


NCIS sydney is deffinatly interesting. Series premier.

Oh boy, that was fun, ran the LFR raid tonight, got my S3 two piece and kicked my ilvl to 442, maybe Sempai will notice me :grin:

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Canā€™t speak for Vrak but according to a few friends who work at Blizzard they all watch it in office.

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Yeah, TW dungeons were just added to the Great Vault. They updated the language in the Great Vault interface, but it wasnā€™t active last week. Curses! :slight_smile:


I canā€™t speak for anyone else, but they never personally interested me, which I think it has a lot to do with my game play style. Iā€™ve never been one to race to the end, as it were, I enjoy the journey.


Iā€™m the same way. I do tend to tune in to the last boss though. That can be exciting. Especially if the team Iā€™m watching keeps coming sooooooo close to getting it.


Nit my cup of tea either but i rember the craze back in bc to be the realm first of sonething the lengths people go to.

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It is an exciting feeling to get a realm first. Cannot imagine how much excitement one would get from a world first.


Or mythic taid kill thats dedication.

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I see we have a friendly monkey lurking around and visiting today. Hi Kalviery <3


The cavalry comes in the nick of time!


/sets out some :banana:


Just poking my head in :slight_smile: I really hope we can make those forum updates possible soonā„¢. Itā€™s been a wishlist item for a while but other things have taken priority and attention.

Ummā€¦what elseā€¦
The Marvels is fun :partying_face:
Lots of new anime on Netflix :clap:
That last episode of Critical Role :astonished:


Looks like marvel found its reed richards and they had to go to a glalaxy far far away to recruit the mandalorian.

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Only in America could you stay in the most expensive hotel in the country free of charge if you can prove you have a solitary credit line of $1M or more. Insane.
