[CS LOUNGE] Pumpkin Spice, Apple Cider, and Everything Nice

yeah, my sub ran out a while back. also lack of funds have prevented me from resubbing. hoping i can afford to resub at the end of the month, but only time will tell.

Grandpandamum! How is Grandpandakiddo? Is she like in middle school now?

Heya Alvie! :smiling_face: It’s good to see you around, I miss seeing you posting on the regular.

Omigosh, have we really been here that long?!?


yeah we’re vintaging

after working 2 years in support, it’s been hard to come back in here but do read when i can!


I love it!

I’m not old, I’m vintage. :laughing:


That feeling when … it’s the first time you’ve seen an item from your childhood referred to as “vintage.”

The other day I was thinking about 8th grade shop class and realized you could probably date me from the fact that one of our projects was to make an ashtray. Pretty sure that wouldn’t fly today.


It would if you threw it hard enough. :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

I thought it was bad when music I used to listen to as a teen was on the oldies station.


Do you remember when restaurants had smoking and non-smoking sections? I remember back when they passed that law. Before that you could smoke anywhere. Also, family gatherings made your clothes smell for days from the smoke. My family was the only one of the group that didn’t.


The music I listened when I was just married is on the oldies stations. I think my high school music is on the old fossils station. :grin:


I worked in such restaurants as a teenager. My mom knew when I worked anyway, but if she hadn’t, she’d have known from smelling the smoke on me when I got home. (It would have been the perfect opportunity to get away with it if I’d been a secret smoker, but I never picked up that habit.)

Every now and then I remember when I was even younger, restaurants like Denny’s had cigarette vending machines. It sounds totally insane to me now, so much so that I had to Google it to see if they ever even existed or if that was a fake memory. (Turns out where I live they are legal only in places where minors are never allowed to enter under any circumstances.)


Yes. In Illinois, they passed that law way back in the day. Then, a few years ago, I was in St. Louis. Restaurant asked “smoking or non?”, and it actually left me speechless for a few seconds. I hadn’t heard that question in decades.


Same with bowling. Practically every team had at least one smoker. I remember the “sky is falling” types saying it’ll be the end of bowling leagues, bars would be empty, etc. Of course, none of that happened, but boy was I happy to be able to drive home not smelling like an ashtray.


japan still has this x(


Could be worse. I discovered last week that Def Leppard’s most recent album debuted at #1 on the Classical Albums chart. Not Classic, Classical. Granted, it is a collab with the Royal Philharmonic.

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yup. whenever we ate out, we’d either specify we want the non-smoking section, or they’d ask us.

Hi everyone - I probably should have asked here first but I already submitted a ticket.

I have a suspicion that a friend’s account has become compromised so I submitted a ticket on her behalf and included the f/l name on the account and one of her characters name/realm. Is that the right course of action to take? I don’t have a way of reaching her outside of WoW so that’s the only thing I could think of.

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You did an honorable thing. That can bring the account to the attention of Blizzard. Your friend will have to be the one who contacts them to get the account back though, as anything account wise is between Blizzard and the account holder only.


Thanks and yeah, I figure locking the account down is probably the best thing for now until she comes back. Hopefully I’m wrong and the account is fine!