[CS Lounge] New Lounge, Same Loungers

Humble Bundle has 22 World of Warcraft books for $18 (or more, pick your price). Digital only, of course, but I’m thinking it might be a purchase.

I’ve actually felt that Blizzard should create more games using the “lesser-known” characters in the Warcraft universe. I had a vision one time of a Tarenar and Gideon (Fiona’s Caravan in EPL) game in a haunted mansion-style game. The gaming industry has moved on to micro-transaction games, but still some great possibilities.


I kind of think so. It is like people forgot the very basics of respect towards others. It happens online too, but now I see it IRL and it just boggles my mind.


When we’ve had uninvited quests for Thanksgiving or Christmas, it was usually because something was happening in their lives that made them need to be there.

Emergencies are different though.

This was “hey I am bringing my huge family and 3 dogs to your new house” - that already has 2 cats and a child. Her big issue was he did not ask and did not find out what restrictions or preparations sis would have wanted. Something simple like leashes, tie out stakes, etc.


I’m going to miss the Anniversary buff when it’s gone for the year.

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I am going to miss it too.

I made this character last night and I just hit level 55 while doing my usual casual play. Also the Pilgrims Bounty Cooking quests, just to get that classic cooking. I love the holidays.

How are you all liking the new content?

The new show Wednesday is fantastic. A definite yes on the watch list. Oh, you mean in the game. So far making a Drakthyr is fun as well as the starting zone for them.


Dracthyr are fun. Very unique gameplay. Soaring is one of the most fun things in the game at all since flying first came out.

I skipped out on the last couple expacs’ stories but I really appreciate Wrathion’s character nowadays; he’s fun.

It’s nice to be going back to doing something that isn’t so… big. Not as high-stakes, I hope. Promises to be worth picking up again.


I thought they did a very good job with the starter area. Came out of it with a good understanding of they abilities they introduced and the play style.

Looking forward to this xpac. Seems they went out of their way to build in some alt-friendliness…


Almost 4am, and I am up. Gonna fire up the slow cooker and make some Enchilada Soup for Dinner tonight after Wargaming with my friends.

ugh, got some cleaning up to do, kitchen is a bit messy.


I watched Preach do a huge interview with Blizzard yestersay.

One of the things they talked about was the feeling of obligstion to log in amd do xyz. Mission tables, dailies for AP etc. Sounds like with DF there are still WQ to do but the emphasis is more on logging in to play how you want to play. If you are not mythic raiding, or pushing high keys, a lot of the gear rewards are substantial enough to use.

If I understood it properly.

Got me intrigued honestly.


Getting ready to head out for my first craft show since late 2019. Didn’t think I’d be this nervous. I’m worried no one will show up.
It’s a really small thing, only about two hours.

If no one shows up, at least I can get kettle corn and my picture with Santa.


Don’t know where you are located, but where I live, it’s “small business Saturday” following Black Friday.
People are encouraged to buy local today.

Good luck with the craft fair. Lots of people are getting out and shopping that didn’t during Covid.


Trust lvl is still toon lvl correct.

Yes and no.

I forget which beta it was - either BfA or SL, but if you got accepted to one of those, all toons on your account were flagged as TL3.

If that didn’t happen, TL is per individual toon.

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It was SEPT 2020 when I asked Vrak about the beta group on our forum activity page. Here was his reply:


Ok was confused about a post good to know.

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And in the macabre gardening corner, I present my most recent work on the front of the house. I still want to add more … especially some eerie lighting, lol. So it is very much still a work in progress. Definitely need to do some edging.

I also have the long side of the front (30 feet) to do still. But it will be designed with a much different theme.

Click for pic

Yes, those are actual skulls (alligator, boar, deer). The bottles and the rectangular planter all contain an assortment of succulents. I really don’t know what the other 3 plants are as they were just grabbed from clearance rack at Lowe’s.


They look like plants normally sold under the houseplant section.

I would wager the long thin leaved ones are a variety of Dracaena, and the middle one is an Asparagus Fern.

That should help you look up how to care for them (sunlight and water needs).

I like the idea though. Very nice!

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