[CS Lounge] New Lounge, Same Loungers


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Watching GOTG holiday episode its funny.

I totally have not dragged a pally, two locks, a priest, and a rogue from 45/50 to 60 since reset. Thank goodness the anniversary buff goes away in a couple of hours, lest I get the crazy idea to drag out another neglected alt.

I am very tempted to get at least my Pally to 30 so they can fly. Anything that can’t fly tends to get neglected by me.

Update time:

Mom’s in the local nursing home (where she wanted to be). She looks a bit horrible - lots of deep bruises, but she’s doing amazingly well. We don’t expect her to be there for more than a few weeks, then she’ll be home again. Probably having a visiting nurse and housekeeper for a bit until she gets moving better, but she’ll be home.

And in football news, not only did Michigan win The Game, but my hometown team won their first state championship, on their first try! It was a tough game, both defenses were strong. It came down to a last second field goal from close in.

It looks like I won’t be playing much on release day (or week), since the internet here is pretty slow. Heck, work might even be a bit of an issue.


Watching the new episode of Tulsa King. I like rhis show.

fishing in Tirisfal on my Mage alt, and found a wild turkey in Stillwater Pond. he was like “air’s for mortals. i’m Underwater Turkey. :grin:


He took lessons from all those Underwater Rabbits.

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I liked it better when it released earlier then middle of afternoon like it used to at midnight oh well 4pm I was hoping for more play time.

Checked out Wednesday on Netflix. It was actually quite good. I like that it kept true to how Wednesday is suppose to be from back in the 60’s.


Just trying to get my Highmountain Tauren to 50 for the xmog, almost there.

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Don’t mind me, just gonna wind up as a mystery in the spam queue just like the rest of my comments. Is this what happens when “deep learning” goes sideways and eats poo?


The spam filter might have not been trained against someone autistic like myself.

Tree is up now. First one I have put up in at least 15 years or so.

Edited to add: Here is the unlit view so maybe the ornament balls can show.


My husband and I never take our tree down :laughing:


Not looking forward to waiting until 6 PM tomorrow for DF to drop in my time zone.

7 PM here. :crazy_face:


Lots of time to clean out bags, make consumables, put my chars at the SW docks, etc.

Also time to have the house chores done and have eaten dinner. Not too bad!

Been playing around with the addon “Demodal”.
Moves more window types around than BlizzMove and has more look and feel options. Overall, was impressed by it.

4 for me joy.

Well, if nothing else, that thread has at least secured another gif to use for reaction purposes when someone’s not actually looking for help.