[CS Lounge] Centaurian Autumnal Celebration

Stimpy you idiot im going to keel you. But first I have to take a wizz


you REAAAALLLY like this game Stimpy? then how do you like THIS?!

one explosion later

Devil: smirk you whizzed on the electric fence, didn’t ya?

what rolls down stairs, alone or in pairs and rolls over your neighbors dog?


When about 10 years old I double dog dared a friend to whizz on the electric fence my neighbor had to keep the cats out of her flowers, Regnyl, You brought back a memory that made me chuckle thinking about that day.


Well Bart The Bear II passed away at the age of 21, He had soo many movie and commercial credits.


If this isnt canadian i dont know what is


Suburbidozer… I like that, I’m adding it to my vocabulary.


that’s making me crave a honey cruller now. .-. also:


and for any one curious as to us Canadians are born… :grin:


The funny thing about pic#1 i know someone in the CBSA sent taht to them lol.


Anyone else getting errors when trying to log in to game tonight?

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Don’t recall ever seeing that error code before, but this is the first suggestion that popped up when searching:


I’ve made it to character select screen so far. Then get Character Not Found errors when attempting to log on to one. The funniest error is it showing my characters on different servers now – would assume some type of authentication error or delay in switching realms.

But so far I cannot get past about 75-80% of the load screen before it shows the Character Not Found errors.

I knew something was up when I couldn’t log out of game earlier. That usually happens when I lose my connection with the authentication server. Should have just went exploring and stayed in the game, hehhe.

So far, a full UI reset has not helped. It truly is acting like an authentication server issue. Moving on to scan/repair now though.

Nope, still same issue even after doing the Scan/Repair. I have rebooted and done fresh internet connections (and tethered to my phone as well), still same issue.

Also, I have NO issues logging into my EU account and playing there.

I also see a lot of reports in Tech Support, so at least I’m not alone in this.
/sad panda

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Thanks for the read all. It made for an entertaining afternoon!

A couple of notes:

I once saw the northern lights in SE Maine back in the early 80’s, I guess it was 82’ since it was the night The Pheonix debuted on TV. It blew my 12 year old mind! The lights not the show haha.

I have lived in SE Kansas for the last 22 years now and saw someone saying they are from NE Oklahoma. I’m 100 miles from Tulsa. Small world huh!

The storm that spawned the F5 tornado that slammed Joplin went right over my house. That was the wierdest weather I have ever seen. The tornado touched down 50 miles later.:sleepy:

I had Cataract surgery about 5 years ago, and it was well worth it. I went from being “Blinded by the light” to being able to drive at night again. The healing process was fast and nearly painless. The surgery was a little awkward though since they keep you awake, but not too bad.

Those Christmas lights that were so expensive looked amazing. Please don’t let my wife know they exist.:grinning:

Broken bones hurt and take time to heal. I pile drove my elbow into the driveway after tripping over a trailer hitch 6 years ago. Five screws later and humpty dumpy was put back together again, but the pain was intense for a few months, and I still can’t lift much with that arm. If I was younger it would have been better with a faster metabolism.

I carved a 20lb ham today to make room for the turkey going in the oven in the morning. We have 14 folks to feed, so tomorrow will be eventful.

Sitting in the garage while reading this thread I heard the scratching of a squirrel in my attack, so on top of a ton of folks tomorrow I’ll also be climbing on my roof.

Hi! I’m Bravik👋




I wonder is his has anything to do with the DDOS attack a couple of days ago that was posted?

Not sure, but I would think this is more authentication server issue versus the system being flooded with too many requests from a DDoS attack.

But I just gave up and decided to play Skyrim instead, lol.

That was part of the reason I started mine. So I could play when there were issues logging into NA. Also on maintenance day(s). I’m not addicted. Truly I’m not. I could give it up any time I wanted. I just don’t want to.

Hi! I’m a BunnyGnome! I’m in Nova Scotia, Canada.

Talking about food. You’ll fit right in.


so which one are you, BunnyGnome or in Nova Scotia, Canada? :thinking: :stuck_out_tongue:

had a rough day yesterday. probably on account of me waking up earlier than i wanted to, and failing to fall back asleep when i went back to bed. :tired_face:

managed to sleep through the night though. not much going on today, so just gonna relax and figure out what i need to get for now.

I’m Trouble. :crazy_face:


oh, ok then.

Hi trouble, i’m Regnyl.



Hey Bravik. Im the one in Tulsa.
