[CS Lounge] A New Year! 20-Years of WoW!

So it seems i lost t3 im assuming its posts read any idea how much i need to read.

Just disappeared on me as well. I still show in the beta group for my NA characters. My EU starter account character still shows as Trust Level 3. I just think there is an issue here on the NA forums.

Iā€™m seeing others that were using Trust Level 3 earlier tonight (just like I was) that have suddenly lost theirs as well. Seems very odd that multiple people would suddenly all lose it at same time.

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Lounge is gone as well i tried posting links but wasnt allowed to.

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Sorry to bother but I keep getting the message "You need an active World of Warcraft subscription to post on this forum. " I can only reply to a post like this one, I canā€™t make a forum post anywhere on this website. Perhaps my forum account is glitched? Please, assist if you can. Sorry for being off-topic.

Do you have active game time and is it about to renew.

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Ah okay, that explains a lot; thanks!

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Yeah u need active game time to post in 90% of the forums CS is one u dont.

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Darn. Iā€™ve lost the ability to post pictures, which was supremely handy for diagraming and illustrating where words werenā€™t sufficient.

Even dreadlords have bills to pay! All of that interdimensional travel doesnā€™t come cheap, you know.

insert Vader ā€œNooooo!ā€-ing here |

How am I going to screenshot every blessed thing to properly document and novel-ize my postings?!


Iā€™m sad about itā€¦ as functionality went, it was really handy. I donā€™t care about memes or random photos, what I want to do is explain concepts and guide people in the most effective way possible.

It was also really handy for my bug report a while back.

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Sendryn made a thread in the Website Bug Report forum just in case it was a bug. Trust levels disappearing

I posted in it - my guess is they finally fixed the issue where people in a Beta group had account wide TL3 permissions they were not supposed to have. It manually granted them even if not earned or maintained, or even if suspended.

My reply there


My thing with this isā€¦ it wasnā€™t an issue that needed solved and I earned my trust level to begin with. So having it removed suddenly is not something Iā€™m keen on. Especially when it means no more explanation screenshots for people who need help.

Trust level on this forum was insane to try to get in the first placeā€” worse than grinding rep in the gameā€” and even worse to maintain. Now itā€™s removed by no fault of our own and I hope we arenā€™t expected to regain it because of their error.


Unfortunately it WAS an issue that needed to be solved. You were not supposed to have Bnet account wide TL3 and you were getting it from the Beta permissions, not permissions your char earned. I am sure your char DID earn TL3, but the forum software was not using that metric to grant the trust level.

It does not work that way for other posting chars, and is not supposed to work that way for the WoW forums. It is supposed to be char specific here and supposed to be removed if someone gets a forum penalty. It was not being done that way for people in the Beta group.

My current theory as of my first sip of coffee is about groups and how the forum prioritizes account wide group permissions over the char-server individual permissions.

The other thread is really best for this so I will just point back to the theory post there. Also, I am not awake so forgive the scatter brained thing.

Not by removing our trust level that was earned prior to this.

Your trust level earned on your char was not being used. That was the problem. You were getting your permissions from a Bnet account wide Beta group.

I THINK, as I said in the other thread, that they have fixed the Beta group permissions so they no longer grant perma TL3.

The problem is that the forum software is prioritizing your Beta group permissions (which are no longer TL3) over your Char-server permissions. Removing you from the Beta group would fix it I think. Then the forum software would be seeing you as char-server and doing your permissions check based on that.

I get it though, it would be nice if the WoW forums were Bnet account wide for permissions, but they are not supposed to be. Not yet.

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I realy dont want to read 20k+ post or get enough like i didnt even sign up to the cata beta i realy hope this gets fixed.

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If someone had permissions that were granted by anything other than what their char-server stats have earned on a per char basis, then it was broken. Based on how the current forum software is supposed to work.

Fixing that seems to have revealed another detail - in how the forums prioritize groups when looking at how to determine permissions.

I THINK it is looking at things in the following order:

  • Battlenet Account /groups assigned at the Bnet level (where Beta was)
    ā€“ Special groups assigned at the Char-server level like MVP, Council
    ā†’ Default char-server permissions earned using normal TL progression

Back to lounge goodness. Palia had a huge patch yesterday and I have new things to build and find! Loving the change to mining and the direct access to Bahari Bay. The new steampunk set is ALL THE MECHAGNOME. I am now mildly distressed a little bit that I can make an entire gnome engineer environment but canā€™t make a gnome.


Still no lounge ill post in the website bug forum.

Didnā€™t you originally have it on one of your other previous posting toons?

Am I the only one that wakes up with a migraine and nausea at the same time? What an absolutely torturous morning.