[CS Lounge] A New Year! 20-Years of WoW!

Osnap! They got it out earlier than they thought!

My day is filled! :smiley:


Guess Iā€™ll be auto-scrolling through some of the massive threads over in GD while I put this soup together and putz around the house, to try and start working on the requirements. Again. :unamused:

I can understand them fixing a bug, but it still royally sucks for those of us who have long since earned the status and kept it up consistently.

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I can still see the Lounge. My alts cannot.

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Wait, it doesnā€™t? >.>

About 7k. That seems to be the case with most of you.

Technically, it looks like yours is due to a penalty back in November. So not exactly an error, only an error that the Trust level wasnā€™t lost immediately.


Good! Then your account is working properly. The way the forums are set up it should be char-server permissions individually for trust level. You should only have access on the char you earned it with.

There is a HUGE thread and years of posts asking for WoW forums to use Bnet level permissions, but the forum does not currently work that way.


I probably have about 20k posts to read since I disappeared

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ā€¦ wasnā€™t that penalty lifted? Almost positive thatā€™s the false flag one they walked back. I donā€™t remember any other penalties. Unless something happened when I was out of town that I donā€™t know about.

So thatā€™s it? Iā€™m done? No more 3 for me?

Edit: actually, it honestly doesnā€™t matter. I have no desire to do that grind again or try to maintain it when I go out of town.

From November? Not that I can see. The appeal you put in was upheld as far as I can tell.

No, we built into the forums a decay system, so even if you received a penalty if you remain penalty free for 6 months you can earn Trust level 3 back. At this time, the only thing preventing 3 is that mark, as soon as that fades, assuming all things remain consistent, you should earn it back around May.


I have no clue how I appealed something that I donā€™t even have an email for while I was gone for most of November, but stranger things have happened. LOL

Oh well, thanks Vrak! Was fun while it lasted, but Iā€™m not maintaining anything at this point.

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Oh that ainā€™t good.


7k better then the full ammount theres a few big threads in general.

Is funny though with the Trust Level 3 change here. I still have it on my EU starter account alt. Kirste has almost never posted and hardly read any threads.

link: https://eu.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/u/kirste-darksorrow/summary

recent thread link: https://eu.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/minimap-dots-disappeared/495253/3

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To be able to scroll through the large threads faster, just zoom out the page and make the text smaller. That way you can just keep pressing the down arrow key and the posts will be marked as read before they reach the top.


Itā€™s not fun. The nausea can be part of the migraine. I sometimes get both, but usually just the headache. Lucky for me, I and the porcelain throne were BFFs only once during any of my migraine episodes. Day three of a week of migraines.


Apologies, Iā€™m going to be a nuisance, if youā€™ve got the moment?

Where am I coming up short? If things registered properly, I should have hit the posts read mark, I think. I cleared my cache and did a log out and all of that just to make sure it wasnā€™t reading old data or anything but Iā€™m still lingering at TL2 so far as I can check. I donā€™t think Iā€™ve been sanctioned so as to be held back by that?


You should be good now. There is a little bit of a delay once you qualify, it isnā€™t an automatic switch, there is a process that runs, once a day or so, that should update your Trust level.


Thank you! I couldnā€™t remember if it unlocked instantaneously or whatnot and I just wanted to be sure I was ticking all the boxes for what I needed to do on my end. I appreciate ya!


Thank good ness for phones for quick scrolling.


There should be a separate level that appears when people are recently sanctioned.

Level 1: Filthy Cobalt

Level 2: Fel Orc

Level 3: Dreadlord


People would TRY to get those titles if they could. Heh.