[CS Lounge] A New Year! 20-Years of WoW!

Well this is a nice quiet thursday nite on this forum.


Yes DW, time to relax and just enjoy the night. Nice to get off work and just enjoy the game. And help newbs in the guide channel.


Wait you mean were suposed to help them an not telll the to talk to the giant robot in hellfire.


That would be ok, they gotta learn sometime that not everything is gonna play nice.


Whelp! Finally upgraded all of my PvP set gear to iLevel 476. So finally reached PvP iLevel 489 when in Battlegrounds now.

Took a while to finally get all of my epics. But worth it in the end!


Having some fun with Helldivers 2, the stuff people do ingame, is just plain silly.


Exciting news to learn thereā€™s another Tron movie in development.

Not too excited to learn Jared Leto is attached to it.


Iā€™m still over here cringing (in direct opposition to things being ā€œcringeā€, because I shudder everytime I see that usage) that theyā€™ve remade ā€œThe Crow.ā€ Some things just shouldnā€™t be done. Especially since theyā€™ve got Bill SkarsgĆ„rd looking like a Leto-Joker. I just cannot.


I never liked joker wasnt that good of a movie over hyped.

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I still havenā€™t seen it, but Iā€™m weird? Even though itā€™s the norm for comic adaptations to have multiple characterizations and then all of the remakes and reboots to all the things - give me something solid and Iā€™m content with that and donā€™t need the 15 different Supermans or Batmans and all of that. While sometimes the reboots can occasionally eventually out-do the originals (Iā€™m looking at you, Dark Knight trilogy), after a point itā€™s kind of like just leave things alone already.

Even though Joker was a different spin due to him being the main focus, I just didnā€™t feel any interest at all in it. So I havenā€™t managed to suck it up and watch it yet.

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Now I can finally be the dreadlord I was always meant to be!


I found it dull and boring the slow decent into madnes. Wasnt worth it.

Grabbing tickets for tonightā€™s 7:45 showing of Dune pt. 2 might have been a bad idea.

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Anyone watching Shogun? :smiley:

I keep seeing ads for it, and it looks good, so Iā€™ll probably add it to my ever growing list. How are you liking it?

Fianly got FF7 rebirth not fast and furious ha ha installing now.

I really need to take the time to put in some feedback concerning follower dungeons. Cause at times, I just want to vote kick my group, lol!

  • Stop running away from the mobs!
  • Please stop waiting til boss is almost dead to cast lust.
  • Also, I think the NPCs should scale to the player(s) in the group ā€“ so that the followers can at least have a better chance of not dying.


One good thing about the follower dungeons is that they count for the ā€œDefeat 25 Dungeon Bosses (that grant XP)ā€ activity for the Travelerā€™s Log ā€“ even when done at max level.


I swear Blizzard coded the Hunter Follower NPC (Austin Huxworth) with the belief that jumping improves DPS, lol.

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Wierd when did i lose tl3ā€¦

$20? Only a Dreadlord would charge such a price