Confirmed MSAA Anti-Aliasing produces Error 132

I have an AMD card and I’m experiencing the anti-aliasing crash when using MSAA, even when switching to DX11. On DX12 the crash would be immediate with an error pop-up, on DX11 I can load into the character select screen, but when entering the game it just freezes and I have to manually exit.

CMAA seems to work fine right now, but I do hope something can be fixed as MSAA is my preferred AA setting, and the best looking one.


Thank you for the confirmation, Vephriel!

Going into advanced settings and switching off “Multisample Alpha Test” fixed this issue for me.

However, i’m noticing a lot of FPS stuttering recently.


Velaisa that worked for me! I was able to put MSAA x8 back on when I unchecked that box and now it seems to not be crashing! :smiley: Thank you so much, I’m so picky about my graphics settings and the difference is very noticeable to me when I have to use alternate AA settings.

This worked for me. I was using dx12 before and now i can get in. Before it would crash on load in. Thank you for the work around until things can get fixed

I got an AMD card and changing DX 12 to 11 worked for me just fine, although as far as I know I’ve never changed anything on AA since I installed the game ( is market as ‘None’ for quite a while)

I am using Vega 64 on 19.3.1 driver. Game crashes when using MSAA, on both DX11 and DX12. Playing without MSAA works on both, so I’ve been using CMAA as a workaround. Looks terrible, I’ve been spoiled. lol


Even after fixing the black screen thing (DX 11), if I enable antialiasing game crashes.

This worked for me also. Using a Vega 56 and DX12.

I get crashes now in dx12 and 11 now so I have to use legacy. I turned off the alpha test as well. AA is off.

Thanks, everyone! We’re referring MSAA related crashes to this thread. These are the following work around that have been found by Velaisa and a few others on this thread! - Thank you all for testing these workarounds and finding what works!

Here’s a compounding list of what has been working for those running in the MSAA Error#132 crashes:

  • Switch to CMAA or lower AA.
  • With MSAA - Turn off Multisample Alpha Test (May cause stuttering)
  • Disable Anti-Aliasing

Directx11/Directx11Legacy does not resolve this issue from what we’ve seen so far, but may help reach the character or loading screen long enough to adjust the settings above.

If you need to edit the settings manually through the WTF/ file, these are the following settings. (Click here) FXAA Low
SET ffxAntiAliasingMode "1"

SET ffxAntiAliasingMode “2”

SET ffxAntiAliasingMode “3”

SET MSAAQuality “1,0”

SET MSAAQuality “2,0”

SET MSAAQuality “3,0”

This is only been found on AMD cards so far. If these do not resolve the issue, you are running into a different issue. Please start a new thread to continue troubleshooting and discussing the issue.

That’s a different issue that we’re aware of, turning off the Shader Cache and switching over to Directx11 are the workarounds available for the issue. We’re still seeing the issue after the 8.1.5 patch.

For those running into the Shader Error#134 crashes, please refer to this thread.

Let’s try and keep this thread linear to the MSAA Error#132 crashes!

Hi Blizz,

Encountered this issue on 2 machines in my home. Error 132.

Report ID#

Both machines run max settings @ 1440p with 4x MSAA. Common things between them:

-Settings (all sliders, everything max, player & NPC physics, DX12, MSAA used)
-Ryzen processors (gen 1 & 2 chips)
-ram kits (Corsair ddr4-3200, 1 @ stock 1 @ DOCP 3200 MHz)
-HP EX920 m.2 drives

One has a VEGA 64 reference card, the other an Asus STRIX RTX 2060. Everything else hardware is different otherwise.

Initially using compatibility mode based on Google-Fu for windows 7 fixed it one machine but not the other. Scan & repair done on both. no mods installed or present at all (recent windows 10 installs), all updates/drivers, no sfc /scannow issues/etc. Finding this using the googs’ and changing from MSAA to jaggy CMAA seems to allow the games to run on both machines with the aforementioned settings.

Is it proper to assume a possible fix in a future patch for our delicious MSAA to return?

Confirmed - also impacted. Running CMAA instead… /bleh

Thanks for the tip. I was able to log on after doing this. We’ll see how it goes playing. Thank you!

These are only workarounds. As of this still has not been fixed.

Radeon VII running dx12. Confirmed I was using CMAA as a fix. Just tried turning on MSAA x8 on with MultiSample Alpha Test disabled and everything seems to be working.

Vega 56 here, after the most recent update I kept crashing immediately with msaa on. Will try the fix when I get home from work.

The most recent AMD driver (19.4.1) should resolve the issue with WoW and MSAA.

From AMD release notes:

Fixed Issues

  • World of Warcraft™ patch 8.1.5 or later may experience an intermittent crash or application hang when MSAA is enabled.


Thank you for the update. Appreciate you sharing the information!