Error 132 linked to Multi-Sampling Anti-Aliasing x2! confirmed for me it is MSAA

When my MSAA is set to OFF i have no issues but when i set to MSAA 2x insta ERROR 132…try it your self and see, please post back here!

Confirmed for me! no error 132 till i enable ANY of the anti-aliasing so it is off and never crashed and I know i am no the only one!

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Hi Dartagnan

This issue has been subject to a few threads recently. Blizzard is aware and I imagine are looking into things. What you might try is disabling Multi-sample Alpha test on the Menu > System > Advanced pane.

Thanks, i am heading in to test that shortly through the advanced though I can deal with no MSAA if need be!

I should have mentioned to click “Apply” after you make that change to save it. Let me know after you test.

THANK YOU. This corrected my issue as well. Tried going down to DX11, updating drivers, uninstalling and doing a clean install, nothing helped. Disabling MSAA got me into the game.

tryed that still pops out the same code agine its getting me really angry when this happen with in a raid or a dungeon its killing my io score this error 132 i disabling multi-sample Alpha tes not more then 15 mins later kicked me out agine

Can you post the complete error. The error folder is located in the game folder. You can open the error with notepad select all and paste to this thread .

If it will not allow you to post the error. Please post it on just post the last section of the link see the highlight section below . / y47kBy74

For the MSAA issue, please refer to this thread. This is an issue we are aware of. Locking this thread to keep this linear.

@Saelida, the issue tied with the crashes you’re experiencing is not related to the MSAA crashes.

This is one of the crashes we have seen with Intel Graphics likely bordering or below the minimum requirement. Forcing Directx11Legacy can help, the steps are available here. We have also seen this with AMD cards driver related issues, which a clean reinstall can help with.

If the problem continues, please start a new separate thread or feel free to contact our Technical Support team directly with the error logs requested by Northernlite and system files.