Community Council is Toxic IMO

You know what’s more toxic? This thread.


The Community Council will no longer be of any concern to us. I have just received word that Mazalila has dissolved the council permanently. The last remnants of Blizzard corporate have been swept away.

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nothing toxic about community players voicing concerns about the CC. the council should focus on issues in GD, pure and simple <3

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You know what this reminds me off. That family guy episode where Peter was randomly selected to be a Nelson family then instead of using the power to help the other people he just listed crazy things he wanted personally and ruined television.


gd is easily the worst place to gather feedback

skimming for thread titles and seeing if there’s 5+ complaining ab the same thing is an easy way to catch something early but most gd posts are either frustrated diary posts or complaints from people that barely understand how to plug their keyboard in

it took me 2 minutes to find what the top 3 recent issues were
how can nobody else do that?

I’ve experienced drama related to PI. Saying it’s never happened with you doesn’t mean it never happens at all.

We don’t have a say in anything. We just provide feedback and have conversation in a condensed environment.

That’s actually a neat idea! I’ll add it to my comment on this post (What Should Cosmetic Glyphs Look Like? + Class Skins! - #4 by Letholas-veknilash)

We don’t have to draw info from anywhere. That’s not part of what we’ve been asked to do. There will be some who choose to draw from here, guild discords, class discords, reddit, twitter, you name it, And there will be people who choose to only use their personal experiences and that’s ok too!

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Imagine pretending that any forum represents the player base.

It doesn’t.

At best, 5% of players post on forums. So we’re a minority from the get go, but a minority of thousands, and thousands of voices can be hard to keep track of. There will always be differing opinions, and your take on Power Infusion is one of them. Sure ‘you’ haven’t encountered any drama about Power Infusion, but you’re just one person. Just because you haven’t experienced drama, doesn’t mean nobody has.

And that’s what Blizzard has to pay attention to. Everybody, not just the singular player who thinks: “Well I haven’t been harassed, so clearly it isn’t happening.”


Being on the Council, I can give you my insight.

I have some small faith that the Council is Blizzard’s genuine attempt to try to make their game better, but since they’re so out of touch, they blindly reached out to open Pandora’s Box. There was - and is - no guarantee going into the program that any of the members will leave good feedback, or any of the members acting in accordance to the name of the program, or it’s premise. At the same time, there seems to be no one steering the ship at Blizzard. It’s just total chaos right now, and we got to hope that someone manages to get a grip, either by self realization or through the Council.

As for the PI topic itself - I do find it unfortunate that so many view it as a “problem” within the Council. Even if it causes drama, which, in my experience, very rarely happens - most people barely even notice it in PvE. People just want a good, speedy clear.


Two threads have been discussing this for a VERY long time :slight_smile:

Always looking for new ways to bring it to the devs attention!


Not just Wow is divided . Could be on a plane and say the sky is a pretty blue today. Guy behind me says it is not blue more of a purple to then on and on it goes.
I just live my life./shrug.

can you confirm that HC stands for Huokan Community please?

I don’t know what that is. I’m not sure why it would be relevant?

The CC forum is literally a golden ticket for Blizzard to ignore GD even more than they already do.

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Ironic, when reducing toxicity is their goal. To be fair, they’re more anit-toxicity than explicitly anti-PI. They’re advocating more raid wide buffs, especially assigned to classes without them so there’s equal’ish incentive to bring other classes to raid groups.

The behavior they’re describing tends to be more prevalent in PUGs. Even so, I agree that the frequency of this behavior is still quite low. Even if you do get beggars and you don’t want to give out PI, put on your big girl/boy pants and say “no”, say “I use on myself”, or ignore them. On the flip side, it’s pretty s***ty of some Priests to try to sell their PI, though I rarely see this happen, mostly it’s said facetiously, but I bet there is some prick out there who does it. But again, the frequency isn’t very high. Most of the time people are too focused on their own class to care.

because i had a chat with a cc member with that guild tag and their guildy who were staunchly defending boosting as a POSITIVE. if HC means Huokan Community, why is that allowed on council? ofc, im HOPING that is not what HC stands for…

People need to stop trying to broaden the definition of toxic. Toxic is when somebody calls you slurs in chat, not imagined slights on the forums.


They are tring to broden it, I think it is just a buzz word that gets thrown around.


I still have no clue what the Huokan Community is, and, yes, boosting itself has positives to it, but also a bunch of negatives.

Log into na server–KJ and go into the orgrimmar bank…you will see sooooo many advertisers chilling there it’s nuts. you will see NOTHING but their spam in trade chat too…

in addition, join their public discord and you can see ALL the servers they have leads/advertisers on…

i would post a screenshot of it right now, im sitting in the bank, but forum will not allow it.