Community Council is Toxic IMO

Imagine relegating all feedback to a select few who don’t represent the player base. Then trusting Blizzard to take this feedback and either determine it’s not representative, or actually implement it. Who even chooses who gets on the council and why?

One thread that scares me is about Power Infusion. It’s like an echo chamber in there of anti-Power Infusion players who are saying it causes drama and toxicity. I’ve been in dungeons, raids, PvP all of it. From low level to mythic content. I’ve NEVER had drama around my use of Power Infusion. Sure people ask, sometimes people want it over others, but it’s NOT DRAMA. Most of these claims seem entirely absurd. Also, it’s an amazing core mechanic of Priests to pump or help a teammate pump. I love using PI on teammates and timing it perfectly with their CDs for the perfect burst windows is extremely satisfying. I don’t want more homogenized self buffs that replace class niches.

There’s enough feedback on the forums, and it’s not too much to read. People get on the forums and catch up all of the time. The devs and QA could too… There’s no need to isolate feedback like this and not let the general player base defend positions or discuss things.


Community Council is a joke. Just like this company is imo.


The Community Council is kind like the US government. You vote for people who make a bunch of promises and then they don’t have to do jack once they’re in office.


Nobody voted for these people though so it’s not like the US government at all… There’s no way to remove these people from the council. They are just appointed and have say in development.


Oh, that’s even worse than the US government then.


Chances are that nothing will come of the council. Blizzard has used this format previously, and they were only interested in “feedback” that validated their decisions. If this is a group intended for PR purposes only (“Look at what we’ve done, we care!”) it will be obvious, because nothing will come of it. And if they think packing the council with players who are guaranteed to validate unpopular gameplay decisions will influence the playerbase to like changes that destroy their fun, they’re seriously wrong.

There have been anti-power infusion threads on the forum before. Everything has been said before. If Blizzard thinks this group will come up with “fresh ideas” because the forum is isolated from the trolls (including pro-blizzard trolls), they are mistaken.

And in any case, influence they could have even theoretically would be years from now, given the development cycle.

There’s also a chance it will go up hilariously in flames.


Dw blizzard won’t listen to them either, it’s just pandering. They will probs reply once in a while to show they are listening but they won’t act on it


I’ll probably get hate for this, but I think the community counsel is just lip service and has no other role than to look like they care.


Of course. They might do a little bit at the start to make it look like they listen and act. Everyone will be like “ img wow blizzard has changed this time”

And then bang they will fall back to their old ways and stop listening.

The real test that they listen really is a new expansion. If they don’t listen during beta tests then you have your answer :slight_smile:


i think someone from Huokan Community is on the council…totally bs if that is what hc stands for…truly hope not.


Now they need a GM from a Ruin Gaming guild.

ROFL i remember those guys

I’d hate to lose PI’s ability to apply to others. It’s a fun aspect of the priest class, and adds cooperative depth (directly implicating a player’s ability to pay attention to needed damage windows and another player’s cooldowns). Losing that aspect of PI wouldn’t just be a nerf, it’d be a loss of depth.

I have no faith in the Community Council until at least one of them has the courage to stand up and demand Worgen get an optional tail customization.

#GiveWorgenTails :wolf:


Nah its worse we didn’t even vote for these people so more like a presidential cabinet


Or our current president?


6 Likes i mean, huokan has tons of hate imo…so if one is on the council, which i hope is not the case, the council idea is bs

Make me the King of the council and I’ll provide stability.

I’m just concerned this thing’s an excuse for them to not listen to the rest of the player base even more then they already were

well, there was a thread the other where one cc member claimed to have no desire to view gd for it’s a ‘cesspool’ lol you would think that gathering info from GD is what would guide the council…

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