[Community Council] Dual Spec, But Different [Fedback Needed!]

That is a Blizzard/Activision specific issue with how bad those companies are.
Other companies around the world have no issues with allowing their PR department to do their job.

One would think that a PR manager would be more qualified than the CEO or the investors at managing communication with players.

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Well sure but that’s because the blue’s are kept on a very tight leash and have been for a long time, ever since one of them had a pretty epic meltdown on the forums. But there was a time where blue’s actively engaged in real conversation with the player base.

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After reading your posts on the community council forums, I have very little hope of anything good coming from this whole community council thing.

Firstly, classic is way underrepresented in that council forum.

Secondly, the simple fact you mentioned tokens as a possible solution, even as a “last resort”, in your post about Botting is disturbing to me.

Thirdly, this whole PvP only spec thing just doesn’t work in concept. Just add dual spec or don’t, have a CD on it if you want, but don’t make it overcomplicated for no reasons.

Fourthly, as expected from Blizzard, they don’t even talk with the people they elected in the community.

Lastly, at least you went and made a thread on here where us peasants can pitch in, so I’ll at least give you that.

Copy paste from the original blue post from back in the day when they added dual spec:

Nethaera : Why are we allowing players to dual spec after all this time?

Ghostcrawler : We really felt like this was a great way to increase the flexibility available to players and encourage them to take part in more aspects of the game.

To use just one example, some players like to participate in both raids and Arenas, which is awesome behavior that we want to promote.

But, there are some talents which are more useful in one part of the game than another. Currently, players have to pay respec costs and go through the process of setting up the desired talent spec and action bars whenever they switch.

The new system makes this a much more logical process, saving on time and cost and allowing players to easily move from one aspect of the game to another.”

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Yeah, but the modern sweatlord meta sheep wants things to be as inconvenient for casuals as possible. If you’re not a no-life player, you might as well not play.


No, we just don’t want the game to be changed in a way that goes directly against the origional design intentions of the origional game.

I have nothing against dual spec being in wotlkc where it belongs. But it doesn’t belong in tbcc.

I actively play about 10 hours a week on average and clear all raid content, pvp, and farm enough gold to regularly respec, pay for consumes, exc. And level an alt now and then (not quickly mind you, he gets only a few levels a week)

I’m logged in for more than 10 hours, but actively playing is about 10 hours a week. I do a lot of AH stuff where I buy raw items, then vendor 100s of items while afk and usually end up vendoring them for a profit (though once my alt is leveled I will have some crafting professions to make potions and elixirs to make with herbs to AH for a profit) I currently have 1 lvl 70. I’m not no living living game, but I’m also not raid logging. Raids took my guild about 5 hours before the nerfs (we had 6 hours dedicated to raids at the start) and it takes about 3.5 hours after the nerfs so that’s has freed up more time for me to pvp lately, and still have a few hours a week for farming, playing the AH, exc.

So by no means do you need no life to afford “regular” respecs. I change specs twice a week. Raid nights I am pve raid speced. The rest of the week I am in a pvp spec. Tbc is designed to not have players changing specs without a care by the design intentions of the origional devs.

Why are you playing Classic then? It’s way different from the original game. The players are different, too.

Irrelevant. Many of us simply want the convenience.

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I saw someone suggest this a few months back, and it could be a middle ground, so to reiterate:

Keep the respec option at the class trainer as currently implemented, don’t adjust the gold cost from what it is now, but allow the trainer (or new NPC) to store your talents and bar setup. This way you could just pay your fee, and automatically your other spec is set up.

The biggest deterrent for me for respeccing is not the gold cost, it is the bar rearranging and clicking through 60 talents - being a rogue the bar rearrangement isn’t the worst, but for example on my druid it is very annoying.

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There is an addon for this called talented.

oh really? and it does bars and talents?

There is a difference from no changes at all, and not changing the direction of design intent.

I have used this example before. When they remade D2 into D2 resurrected they didn’t change it into a first person shooter, they kept the origional games design intent of hoe the game was to be played and how players could interact with the game.

Wotlk Dual spec goes directly against how tbc design intent had intentional consequences for regular spec changes. With a cost and location inconvenience.

A CD based dual spec that can only be done in a capital city does keep those design intentions in mind and I am not really against dual spec with intentional restrictions and consequences that keep it in line with the design intentions and goals of tbc. But a full wotlk version of dual spec is not something that should be in tbcc as it goes the opposite direction of the design intentions of the original game.

And against, design intentions are not the same thing as the exact design. This isn’t about dual spec being a change, it’s about wotlk dual spec going the opposite direction of the intentions of the design of tbc.

We have proof of the design intentions of tbc on this subject, you can chose to read it if you want.

10 char

pog thank you

Hey! I had this idea months ago, maybe I should’ve been on the council.

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I personally will not play wotlk because of dual spec. The ability for players to be able to swap from pvp to pve content without paying hundreds of gold and traveling back to their main faction city will completely ruin the design intent of the game.

I can deal with the paid level boost, same faction bg’s, and rampant botting/gold selling, but swapping specs without paying 50g, that’s where I draw the line.


Recruit a friend was tbc level boost

The cash shop existed in the form of the reading card came.

Pvp was never meant to have huge wait times, it’s why arenas were designed to be able to be HvH and AvA. Instead of only AvH. Bgs are ment to be the starting point for arena gearing and this means BGs were never meant to have huge wait times that prevented people from being able to do them with having time constraints. Proof of this is AV was made to be much faster with the reinforcement mechanics trying to reduce BG duration and in turn wait times to do the next one.

Botting and gold selling existed in origional tbc as well, though I do wish blizzard did a better job of fighting it.

I’m not saying I like every change made, but they are in lime with with origional design intentions of tbc, a wotlk version of dual spec would not do that.

We had proof of design intentions before Classic, too. The players trashed the game and changes were made. Many of them were not at all what was initially intended.

Digging your heals in and citing old posts won’t do much. Ultimately, Blizzard will figure out what players want, and then they will decide what to implement. They’ve changed their mind and direction a number of times in the past. I believe they’ve done so enough to establish precident of changing their minds.

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Why would it be PvP only?


If you are going to do Dual specc, you either do it for everyone or no-one.


I mainly PvP and would enjoy 2 pvp specs.

There’s no good reason to make it “but different”. Just add dual spec into the game, the end. The drawbacks listed are made up problems that didn’t exist even when dual spec was added.