[Community Council] Dual Spec, But Different [Fedback Needed!]

pog thank you

Hey! I had this idea months ago, maybe I should’ve been on the council.

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I personally will not play wotlk because of dual spec. The ability for players to be able to swap from pvp to pve content without paying hundreds of gold and traveling back to their main faction city will completely ruin the design intent of the game.

I can deal with the paid level boost, same faction bg’s, and rampant botting/gold selling, but swapping specs without paying 50g, that’s where I draw the line.


Recruit a friend was tbc level boost

The cash shop existed in the form of the reading card came.

Pvp was never meant to have huge wait times, it’s why arenas were designed to be able to be HvH and AvA. Instead of only AvH. Bgs are ment to be the starting point for arena gearing and this means BGs were never meant to have huge wait times that prevented people from being able to do them with having time constraints. Proof of this is AV was made to be much faster with the reinforcement mechanics trying to reduce BG duration and in turn wait times to do the next one.

Botting and gold selling existed in origional tbc as well, though I do wish blizzard did a better job of fighting it.

I’m not saying I like every change made, but they are in lime with with origional design intentions of tbc, a wotlk version of dual spec would not do that.

We had proof of design intentions before Classic, too. The players trashed the game and changes were made. Many of them were not at all what was initially intended.

Digging your heals in and citing old posts won’t do much. Ultimately, Blizzard will figure out what players want, and then they will decide what to implement. They’ve changed their mind and direction a number of times in the past. I believe they’ve done so enough to establish precident of changing their minds.

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Why would it be PvP only?


If you are going to do Dual specc, you either do it for everyone or no-one.


I mainly PvP and would enjoy 2 pvp specs.

There’s no good reason to make it “but different”. Just add dual spec into the game, the end. The drawbacks listed are made up problems that didn’t exist even when dual spec was added.


Completely agree. This whole notion of people respecing for raids is pure nonsense. TBC specs are very rigid. You either spec for a certain debuff/buff your raid needs if its worth it or you spec your highest dps/healing spec. The only people that would respec during raid would be tanks a single target fight and tanks already want a dps/pvp spec outside or raiding anyways.

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You got TBC level nerfs. Not LFR.

Stop exaggerating.


I am fine waiting for Classic WotLK. No need to introduce changes earlier than WoW originally did.

Make your spec choices accordingly. Farm additional gold if you want more flexibility.

Leave TBC as authentic as possible please.

I’d rather have a playable, good game than a game that randoms perceive as “authentic” when it really never has been. Dual spec is good for the game, period. End of story. It is one of the best ways to increase pvp participation and allow people to do dungeons with friends and alts more easily.


Fortunately blizzard doesn’t consider #nochanges a valid argument for TBC Classic.

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Good thing it’s not no changes.

I’m fine with changes that don’t go directly against the intent of the designs tbc had.

Please stop misrepresenting my argument as no changes, you are trolling at this point.

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